The beginning of a new year is often filled with hope, promise and potential. We wish each other a joyous “Happy New Year!” because we really desire a happy future; a future different from all the complications and struggles of the past year. In reality, life does not turn on a dime. Life is life, and it is filled with moments of darkness and light.
White Line Warning
I was listening to a documentary regarding the terrible tsunami that hit Thailand in 2004. One of the people that experienced the tsunami firsthand, described how the people on the beach looked out across the water to a white line in the horizon with lazy curiosity. The white line was the signal that an ominous danger was approaching, but those present had no idea.
Draw Close to Jesus
In her book, titled “The One and Only” Beth Moore, an American evangelist and author tells the story of her attempt to minister to people living in a leper colony. Something inside of her drove her to want to serve lepers, who had been ostracized from the community. She wanted to serve this group of people who had no family, no friends, no future and no hope.
Give Thanks to God
This is Thanksgiving week. It is a time to pause and give thanks for all that God has done for us. There are two ways to do this, we can approach Thanksgiving Day as a matter of routine, tick the box at the end of the day, and wait to do it all over again in 2024, or we can approach Thanksgiving Day more consciously than ever before. We truly are blessed!
Faith Over Fear
Many years ago, I decided to travel to my village to visit my mother. The bus I was traveling in arrived at the junction to my home, at 3:00AM. Instead of waiting till daylight before beginning the one-mile trek to my home, I decided to tempt fate and began the lonely walk home with only the echoing sound of my footsteps for company. About halfway home, fear gripped my throat, my heart began to thump loudly, and I felt an ominous presence watching me in the dark.
Children of God
Recently, I was listening to family remembrances at a memorial service for a phenomenal Christian couple that recently went home to be with the Lord. As I listened to each speaker share testimony after testimony, I was blown away by their practical example of what it means to be a Christian who has been raised from the grave of sin with a sovereign regeneration.
Love-Our Only Hope
When the Pharisees decide to test Jesus by asking him which was the greatest commandment. Jesus responds in verse 37 stating, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind…. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Our whole Christian testimony rests on these two commandments.
God Opposes the Proud
Have you ever heard the saying, “Pride comes before a fall”? Pride is the greatest stumbling block humanity has ever faced. Pride is that attitude that says, “I did it all by myself.” It is one of the most dangerous sins because it renders us so blind that we are unable to see it in ourselves. The only indication that something may be amiss is when our “WHAT” begins to unravel.
Get Ready!
When Loss is Gain
Have you noticed that the world’s economy is constructed entirely on winning? From an early age we are encouraged to be number one, to be the best, to win. When we become Christians, it is important to understand that God’s economy is not like the world’s economy. God’s economy operates according to his divine precepts. In God’s economy believer’s gain by losing.
Incomprehensible Grace
In Exodus, chapter 16, the Israelites had been wandering in the desert for a little over a month when they began to complain against Moses and Aaron, the leaders that God had chosen to oversee the Exodus from Egypt. They longed for the “pots of meat” they had left back in Egypt. But wait a minute, are these not the same people that had cried out to God for deliverance from Egypt?
Work is a Gift
Around the world, many people perform joyless jobs that serve no purpose other than earning a paycheck. After all, man must eat to stay alive. It can be tempting in these circumstances to view work as drudgery; something that must be endured rather than enjoyed. Scripture reminds us that work is a gift; it gives the believer a sense of purpose and fulfilment. The writer of Proverbs notes that, “Those who work their land will have abundant food, …. Proverbs 12:11).” My grandmother rephrased this idea thus: “Man must work to eat.”
The Message of the Cross
When Jesus reveals that he will be handed to the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law, and that he will be killed, and on the third day be raised to life. Peter rebukes Jesus saying, “Never, Lord!” …This shall never happen to you!” How often do we think like Peter? How often do we protest at the trials of life like Peter does? How often do we behave as though being a Christian entitles us to an easy, get more, get more, get more, life?
Lord Save Us!
Where do you first turn when you face storms that threaten you? To whom do you run for comfort, solace, advice? Some run to their best friend; someone that they can commiserate with; someone who will take up their cause and uphold their grievance. For instance, a married woman whose marriage is failing may turn to another woman, and together they can rage against that “horrible man” or vice versa. This strategy may ease the aching sense of aloneness for the short term, but it is no solution to the real problem.
Persevere to the End
Have you ever gone through a time in your life when it seemed that God was “sleeping” or perhaps so far off you could not reach him? Many Christians experience dry spells from time to time. They experience the sense of being adrift in a spiritual wilderness, “apart from God.” Even giants of the faith confess to this sense of abandonment. In one opinion piece, Mother Teresa is described thus: “But there's another aspect of Mother Teresa's life that is slowly coming into focus: her struggles with faith.
Sudden Storms
This story begins at the end of a long day. The disciples are tired after a hard day’s work and are looking forward to much needed rest on the other side of the lake. They think they know how their night will unfold. They have no clue that a sudden storm is right around the corner. They have no idea that their night is about to become unforgettable!
Sow Freely-Sow Generously
I am not a farmer, but I know that farmers value good rich soil. They value soil that has the potential to yield a good rich harvest. No farmer deliberately sows his valuable seed in shallow, rocky, or thorny soil. Unfortunately, this is how we sometimes approach ministry. We sometimes pick and choose…
Filler or Dipper
Have you ever read the children’s book written by Carol McCloud (2015) titled, “Have You Filled a Bucket today?” Many of us have probably read it to our children to teach them the importance of kindness. The lesson is that when we fill another’s bucket, we are choosing to fill our own bucket as well.
Speak Up!
Is it ever alright to speak up? It should be, but in this modern world it is often a risky business. Speaking up may require you to point out unpleasant truths. Truths that are often uncomfortable, and yet there are times when the Holy Spirit calls us to speak up. But how does one know when to speak up?
Go Forth!
When Moses died, God gave Joshua the responsibility of leading the children of Israel to the promised land. This was a frightening prospect for Joshua for a couple of reasons. He was going to be leading a stubborn people. They had demonstrated this stubborn streak in the wilderness under Moses’ leadership (Exodus 14:11-12), and he was going to be leading them into unfamiliar enemy territory. Put simply, Joshua had no clue what he was doing.