“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.” (Proverbs 12:11-NIV)
Around the world, many people perform joyless jobs that serve no purpose other than earning a paycheck. After all, man must eat to stay alive. It can be tempting in these circumstances to view work as drudgery; something that must be endured rather than enjoyed. Scripture reminds us that work is a gift; it gives the believer a sense of purpose and fulfilment. The writer of Proverbs notes that, “Those who work their land will have abundant food, …. Proverbs 12:11).” My grandmother rephrased this idea thus: “Man must work to eat.”
How we view our work makes all the difference in how we represent God and draw others to Him. When our purpose is for God — for our joy in Him — we find a treasure greater than money, recognition, or comfort. We develop a heart of gratitude for our job and find a purpose that satisfies, even if it’s not our dream job.
What if we went to work with a different attitude? What if we didn’t leave Jesus at church, at home, or in the car and instead took him into the workplace? What if we got serious about our key verse? “Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father” (Colossians 3:17).
As we begin this week, let us give thanks for the jobs we have, even if it is not our dream job, and let us invite God to work through us as we serve his people. Let us ask God to give us the opportunity to introduce him to others through our work. If you are retired, let your work at home or at your volunteer site, be a love offering to Jesus.
Have an enjoyable and fulfilling week! Enjoy your gift.