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Lord Save Us!

Lord Save Us!

Where do you first turn when you face storms that threaten you?  To whom do you run for comfort, solace, advice?  Some run to their best friend; someone that they can commiserate with; someone who will take up their cause and uphold their grievance.  For instance, a married woman whose marriage is failing may turn to another woman, and together they can rage against that “horrible man” or vice versa.  This strategy may ease the aching sense of aloneness for the short term, but it is no solution to the real problem.

Fullness of Joy

Fullness of Joy

It is hard to be hopeful when we wake up to a world that feels like it is on the brink of destruction. There is so much darkness, and so much distress. Nations are in disarray, the COVID pandemic is still raging, millions of people are in dire need, the climate is changing, and fires are burning, greed for power and wealth at any cost is manifesting across the globe and cries for mercy are rising.

He is Here!

He is Here!

The journey to Emmaus was both a physical and spiritual journey. Prior to this journey, so much had happened concerning Jesus, that it is no surprise that the two apostles were talking about these events. In fact, this is exactly what humans do when unusual things happen. We talk, and then talk some more. Right now, the whole world is talking about the Corona Virus; what exactly is it, where did it come from, and when will a cure be found…. Unfortunately, in the midst of talking the apostles failed to recognize, that Jesus had come up and was walking alongside them.

He Will Do It!

He Will Do It!

From the creation of the world, everything has been in flux.  Nothing remains the same.  The environment changes, relationships change, societies change, we change, everything changes, except… the character of God.  It’s only January and I have run into countless acquaintances and friends who are experiencing painful seasons in their lives.  They were looking forward to 2020 with great hope, but circumstances changed swiftly and now despair beckons.

Confidence in the Lord

As we go through life, there are times when our confidence wavers.  There are times of deep discouragement, disappointment and despair.  Quite often these dark moments result from the interactions we have with people around us.  For instance, have you ever put your confidence in a person and been disappointed?  Have you ever suffered a let-down by someone you trusted deeply? 

Be Very Sure!

Over the last few months, I’ve heard a certain phrase used repeatedly, “You do you!” It is often stated with such emphasis as though to convince the hearer of its ultimate wisdom and truth.  On the one hand, God created you to be unique, no one else is like you, so go ahead and be you.  However, the modern take on this phrase goes further, it gives one the license to be a free spirit, no matter where that spirit takes one.   In other words, in this modern era, people are free to be and do whatever pleases them.  Whatever feels good to you, go ahead and do it.  However you want to show up in the world, go ahead and be it.  No one has a right to an opinion concerning your lifestyle because it is your life.  On the surface, this is a tempting proposition.