In Exodus, chapter 16, the Israelites had been wandering in the desert for a little over a month when they began to complain against Moses and Aaron, the leaders that God had chosen to oversee the Exodus from Egypt. They longed for the “pots of meat” they had left back in Egypt. But wait a minute, are these not the same people that had cried out to God for deliverance from Egypt?
Time to Slow Down
A friend sent me a text recently that began with these words, “I know how busy you are, but I was wondering if….” In an instant, conviction hit me. I thought to myself, “Hmmmmh! Is that the vibe I am giving out to the world… that I am too busy?” My friend needed my time but was hesitant to make a request of me because she felt she might be bothering me. And yet, if we are totally honest, how often have we all uttered the phrase, “I am so busy.”
Empowering Grace
Have you ever had moments in life when you have felt frail, weak, or distressed? Have you gone through a season so dark, you felt there was nowhere to turn? The truth is all humans, no matter their occupation or station in life, go through seasons of struggle and difficulty. It is when we are at our most vulnerable that we can draw on God’s strength.
The God of Mercy and Grace
You have to admit, our world needs God’s mercy. These are turbulent times; times when only Jesus can provide the right answers. It appears that no matter where you turn, the assault on the foundations of our lives is constant. The idea of family is being shattered as many re-interpret what marriage means in their own way. Many homes are broken, or in the process of breaking. Human lives are in the grip of modern-day vices like alcohol, drugs, pornography, gluttony, busyness or despair. The assault on the children is like a drum-beat that grows ominously louder with each passing day. These are the days that Romans 1:25 describes thus, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised.”