There is a right time for everything under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3: 1a). The writer of the Book of Ecclesiastes makes this truth plain to every believer. Sometimes we are impatient in our timing and sometimes we are slackers, but God is always on time. Every word, every prophecy, and every revelation happens in the fullness of his time. Often in our folly we try to manipulate God through prayer and other means, insisting on our own outcomes, only to discover that God is Sovereign over every situation in our lives and he does what he has purposed based on his divine and perfect will for us.
Lead Me, Guide Me
Serve in Jesus' Name
Give Him Thanks!
Thank you God for the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the earth with its rich vegetation, the deep mysterious forests, the majestic blue ocean, the lakes and rivers teeming with sea-life, the birds of the air, and the vast array of animals of every size and color. Who are we that you care for us?
Choose Unity-Choose Jesus
In most cases, a crisis is something that draws humanity together. Consider the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or the many floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters that have occurred in our lifetime, humanity banded together, time and again and got through it. 2020 is different. Almost every major crisis, has driven a wedge between people and groups of people. Family members have been split apart by politics; social classes have been driven further apart by the economy; COVID-19 has created division between those who wear masks and those who do not, and even the church has not been spared. There are schisms between those who believe COVID is real and infectious, and those who feel that their faith will protect them…, and on and on it goes.
Prayer of Repentance
Our Father, you alone are Sovereign over all the affairs under heaven and on earth. No one can thwart your divine plans (Job 42:2; Isaiah 14:27).
Before time was you were and after time is passed, you will be, eternal God. Indeed, as your word says, you are the Alpha and the Omega (Rev 22:13), the one and only true God and we worship you, O King of Glory.
Lord we bow before your throne today to ask for your forgiveness. We, your people who are called by your name have created a mess down here, O LORD. We have participated in tearing the heart of our nation (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Stand Up and Fight!
In her book the Armor of God, Priscilla Shirer, notes that many people tend to see everyday problems in non-spiritual terms, and because of that we often seek non-spiritual solutions. What we fail to understand is that the devil is real, and spiritual warfare is the occupation of every born-again believer. As one preacher put it, “As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual.”
Teach me to Wait
Gardeners are familiar with that anticipatory period of waiting between planting the seed and seeing signs of the first shoot peeking through the soil, and then waiting some more before the crop is ready for harvest. During the waiting period, the plant roots go deep, reaching for the moist, nutrient rich soil below. During this time, the growing plant becomes sturdy and strong and more likely to survive any harsh elements above ground. All the gardener can do is wait, and hope.
No One Can Thwart Him
Through it All
It has been quite a while since the COVID-19 pandemic descended on our world, wreaking untold upheaval upon humanity. Perhaps you have been personally impacted by the death of a loved one, the loss of income, the onset of depression due to prolonged isolation, or in some other negative way. In times, like these, it can be difficult to see the goodness of God.
Victory From Behind Enemy Lines
Sir Winston Churchill once said: “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” In Exodus Chapter 1 and 2, we read of a terrible and horrifying story about a king who exhibited paranoia and spread baseless fear among his people. He was a king without love. He was the kind of king who cunningly set out to destroy the Hebrews who lived in Egypt. According to the story this new king, who came to power in Egypt, “knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done (Exodus 1:8b).” He did not do any fact finding, or ask any questions, instead he gave in to his primal instinct and decided to oppress the Israelites who lived in Egypt. He then gave an order of genocide. He instructed that all the Hebrew male children should be killed, for the mere reason that they had grown too numerous.
Stand Firm and Win
There is no doubt, wickedness is on the increase in our day. Greed, corruption, deceit, hatred, envy, have become daily themes. Some would argue that these vices have always been there, and indeed they have. However, they are cyclical and right now they are on the increase. These vices are like a mark on the wheel of culture. They go up and then down. In this season the mark is up.
God is Moving-Wait
Have you ever had to wait for something? Waiting is especially difficult when the need is great. Throughout my ministry, there have been times when I have experienced delays and interruptions and could not go forward with a mission that I believed was God-ordained. I had to wait. This 2020 lockdown for instance, has meant that many of us have had to wait. Some have had to wait on employment, unemployment subsidies, mission trips, to re-open businesses, to celebrate birthday parties, graduation parties, weddings, and other family gatherings. Waiting as we can see from the nation’s angst, takes a special kind of grace. Yet, during my times of waiting, I discovered the gift of trust, rest, and spiritual growth (Proverbs 3: 5-6).
Be Alert!
In this era of hashtags, taglines, and catchy headlines it is easy to be deceived. Deception is not just reserved for unbelievers; believers are fair game as well. In fact, when it comes to false teachings, philosophies, and ideologies, it is only the Holy Spirit who can help us discern the truth. Writing about false prophets and false teachers, the writer of the gospel of Matthew states in Matthew 24:24, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Yes, that is right, even God’s very elect can be deceived. That’s you, me, and everyone else who calls Jesus, Lord and Savior.
Leaning on Jesus
As I reminisce about my childhood, I am reminded of that warm comforting feeling I got every time I leaned on my mother’s chest. I would listen to her heartbeat, and something about that steady LUBB and DUB sound made me feel completely at ease. No matter what else might have been going on, in that moment of leaning I experienced love, protection, serenity, and certainty. As our world continues to spin faster and faster with distressing headlines and protests and riots and hardships, I have found myself longing for that deep sense of certainty and maybe you have too. But who will you lean on when everyone is in the same boat?
Prayer First
I watched the video of George Floyd’s murder in horror. My heart hurt; for him, for his mother, for all the mother’s who have to relive the horror of their children’s murders, and for all the black people who were reminded once again, in such brutal fashion, that their lives are worthless. And I also hurt for all the well-meaning people (of all races) in this nation, and around the world who find this moment unacceptable and too agonizingly barbaric for words. George Floyd was a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made, in the image of God (Psalm 139: 14; Genesis 1:27) and he deserved to live. We all deserve to live because we are made in the image of the Almighty God. How can we claim to love God if we hate our brother?
Thou Shalt Not Fear
The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 118:6 Have you ever been terrified; utterly and completely terrified? The environment we live in today leaves a lot of room for terror. The whole world seems to be unraveling in slow motion, right before our eyes. The systems we relied on are being systematically deconstructed; the values we held to as a nation and as a world, now sound hollow and shriveled like deflating balloons running out of gas, and pain, hatred and anger smolder dangerously beneath the surface of many human interactions. In times like these, what should a believer do? Fortunately, we do not have to guess. The Bible provides answers to all the dilemmas we face today and will ever face in the future and the Holy Spirit provides the power we need to live peaceful lives despite the storm.
What Will You Choose?
What worries you today? What has robbed you of your peace, and the opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet? Grab a pen and paper and write down your list: Is it the uncertainty of life surrounding you? Rebellious kids? Homeschooling? The loss of employment? Your shrinking retirement investment? Fear regarding your health as a result of COVID-19? To many Zoom meetings? What is it that keeps you awake at night?
Happy Mother's Day!
It is Mother’s Day here in America! Today we celebrate all mothers. We celebrate all the women who occupy that maternal role in our lives. We celebrate biological mothers, adoptive mothers, and spiritual mothers. In the midst of this pandemic, our mothers are the bright light, and the sweet fragrance that infuses our lives with gratitude as we remember all that they have done for us and all that they are to us. Today, many will honor their mom in a special way, with a beautiful card, flowers, chocolate, perfume, a special gesture such as breakfast in bed, or with free time, to do whatever she wishes.
He is Here!
The journey to Emmaus was both a physical and spiritual journey. Prior to this journey, so much had happened concerning Jesus, that it is no surprise that the two apostles were talking about these events. In fact, this is exactly what humans do when unusual things happen. We talk, and then talk some more. Right now, the whole world is talking about the Corona Virus; what exactly is it, where did it come from, and when will a cure be found…. Unfortunately, in the midst of talking the apostles failed to recognize, that Jesus had come up and was walking alongside them.