In a world of shifting values, there are all kinds of fake love; infatuation, crushes, lust, possessiveness, fear of being alone…. Now this is true love…
Leaning on Jesus
As I reminisce about my childhood, I am reminded of that warm comforting feeling I got every time I leaned on my mother’s chest. I would listen to her heartbeat, and something about that steady LUBB and DUB sound made me feel completely at ease. No matter what else might have been going on, in that moment of leaning I experienced love, protection, serenity, and certainty. As our world continues to spin faster and faster with distressing headlines and protests and riots and hardships, I have found myself longing for that deep sense of certainty and maybe you have too. But who will you lean on when everyone is in the same boat?
Amazing Love
Have you ever entertained the thought, “But why doesn’t it happen to me?” It seems that all around us, God Almighty is still doing amazing things among his people. Listen to the radio or watch Christian radio stations and you will hear of all the miracles that other believers are experiencing as they wait on the LORD.