“Martha, Martha, “the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10: 41-42
What worries you today? What has robbed you of your peace, and the opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet? Grab a pen and paper and write down your list: Is it the uncertainty of life surrounding you? Rebellious kids? Homeschooling? The loss of employment? Your shrinking retirement investment? Fear regarding your health as a result of COVID-19? To many Zoom meetings? What is it that keeps you awake at night?
In Luke 10, two sisters, Mary and Martha open their home to Jesus and his disciples. Martha is a worrywart; she is distracted by all the housekeeping details. Her intentions are noble, but her priorities are misplaced. Mary on the other hand chooses to sit at Jesus’ feet, listening to what he said (vs.39). As we go through life, we are all Martha’s and Mary’s at some stage of our journey. Worrying is the natural human (fleshly) response to any threat we encounter. Mary’s response is the Spirit-led response that allows us to enjoy perpetual communion with Jesus, no matter what the circumstances around us may be.
Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet. She did not just choose to sit, but she also was “listening (active and ongoing) to what he said” Mary was equally aware of all the hospitality needs on that day but having Jesus in their home was such a rare honor and she made the “better” choice. Her actions were intentional and probably counter-traditional, but she decided that giving Jesus her full attention was the most important gift she could bestow upon him that day. How about you? What kinds of choices are you making day to day? Is your life chock-filled with zoom meetings so that you are too exhausted for anything else? Has communion with Jesus become a book-end event that happens morning and night only? What kind of gift have you chosen to bestow upon Jesus in this season of lockdown? Have you made the choice to sit and listen or are you in Martha mode?
Charles H. Spurgeon says, “See to it that sitting at the Savior’s feet is not neglected, even though it be under the specious pretext of doing him service. The first thing for our soul’s health, the first thing for his glory, and the first thing for our own usefulness, is to keep ourselves in perpetual communion with the Lord Jesus.“
Dear Lord, thank you for the timely reminder of what matters most. Forgive me for trying to fill my life with activities, instead of choosing to sit and listen at your feet. I know you have given me the gift of time so that I might seek you. Please give me the wisdom to choose as wisely as Mary did, and help me to be still and attentive in your Presence. Amen!