Gardeners are familiar with that anticipatory period of waiting between planting the seed and seeing signs of the first shoot peeking through the soil, and then waiting some more before the crop is ready for harvest. During the waiting period, the plant roots go deep, reaching for the moist, nutrient rich soil below. During this time, the growing plant becomes sturdy and strong and more likely to survive any harsh elements above ground. All the gardener can do is wait, and hope.
God is Moving-Wait
Have you ever had to wait for something? Waiting is especially difficult when the need is great. Throughout my ministry, there have been times when I have experienced delays and interruptions and could not go forward with a mission that I believed was God-ordained. I had to wait. This 2020 lockdown for instance, has meant that many of us have had to wait. Some have had to wait on employment, unemployment subsidies, mission trips, to re-open businesses, to celebrate birthday parties, graduation parties, weddings, and other family gatherings. Waiting as we can see from the nation’s angst, takes a special kind of grace. Yet, during my times of waiting, I discovered the gift of trust, rest, and spiritual growth (Proverbs 3: 5-6).