There is no doubt, wickedness is on the increase in our day. Greed, corruption, deceit, hatred, envy, have become daily themes. Some would argue that these vices have always been there, and indeed they have. However, they are cyclical and right now they are on the increase. These vices are like a mark on the wheel of culture. They go up and then down. In this season the mark is up.
The One Who Waits
When Lazarus fell ill, Mary and Martha, never doubted that Jesus would come quickly to help them. They knew how much he loved them (John 11:5). And yet, the Bible reveals, that when Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill, he waited two more days. Wait! What! Yes, you heard it right. “Yet, when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.” You have to wonder; didn’t Jesus love them? Didn’t he care?
God is Working, Wait!
Have you ever been forced to wait for something? Waiting is difficult at any age. Waiting can also be lonely. There have been times in my life when the Lord has forced me to wait on Him. There have been times when I fell ill and was unable to continue with the work of ministry. There have been other times when I experienced delays and interruptions and couldn’t go forward with a mission that I felt was God-ordained. During these times, I discovered the gift of rest; and I also discovered the gift of spiritual growth.