A few months ago, my son began his driving lessons. It has been quite an experience in trusting. I must admit that while it is easy for me to trust God whom I have not seen, I have yet to master the art of trusting that my son (whom I have seen) knows what he is doing at the wheel. My son is a pretty good driver and yet, sitting in the passenger seat on pins and needles, has made me a formidable prayer warrior. It has taught me what it means to trust in God’s protection. Every time we pull up safely into the driveway, I give thanks to God in heaven.
A Lenten Prayer for Our Nation-2
Now, Lord our God, who brought your people out of Egypt with a mighty hand and who made for yourself a name that endures to this day, we have sinned, we have done wrong. 16 Lord, in keeping with all your righteous acts, turn away your anger and your wrath from Jerusalem, your city, your holy hill. Our sins and the iniquities of our ancestors have made Jerusalem and your people an object of scorn to all those around us.
A Lenten Prayer for Our Nation-1
Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. 6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land.
Prayer of Repentance
Our Father, you alone are Sovereign over all the affairs under heaven and on earth. No one can thwart your divine plans (Job 42:2; Isaiah 14:27).
Before time was you were and after time is passed, you will be, eternal God. Indeed, as your word says, you are the Alpha and the Omega (Rev 22:13), the one and only true God and we worship you, O King of Glory.
Lord we bow before your throne today to ask for your forgiveness. We, your people who are called by your name have created a mess down here, O LORD. We have participated in tearing the heart of our nation (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Prayer First
I watched the video of George Floyd’s murder in horror. My heart hurt; for him, for his mother, for all the mother’s who have to relive the horror of their children’s murders, and for all the black people who were reminded once again, in such brutal fashion, that their lives are worthless. And I also hurt for all the well-meaning people (of all races) in this nation, and around the world who find this moment unacceptable and too agonizingly barbaric for words. George Floyd was a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made, in the image of God (Psalm 139: 14; Genesis 1:27) and he deserved to live. We all deserve to live because we are made in the image of the Almighty God. How can we claim to love God if we hate our brother?
The Lion of Judah
What would you do if you had a lion breathing down your neck? Think about it for moment and be honest. I know what I would do. It’s probably not the sensible thing to do, I would try to evade the lion. I would run from it, hide, or climb a tree. I would do something, anything, to ensure there was sufficient distance between me and the lion. This would be me in the flesh, trying to save my own skin.