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Total Surrender

Total Surrender

We have all done it at one time or another. We have sung songs declaring our total surrender to Jesus Christ. Perhaps it was, “I surrender all…” or “Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee…” or “The Cross has the final word….” But did we really mean it? Was it all about total surrender or was it the catchy tune and the atmosphere of believers worshipping together that merely gripped us for a moment? Total surrender means complete acceptance of everything that comes with believing in Jesus.

Put Others First

Put Others First

February is here, and with it, the sounds and symbols of Valentine’s Day as millions prepare to celebrate love. But what is love? Is it the swooning feeling that comes over us when we see someone we are attracted to? Is it the chocolates, flowers, teddy bears and candy we exchange as a mark of undying devotion to one another? According to the apostle Paul, love goes so much deeper than this. Love means considering the needs of others first.

The Light is Here

The Light is Here

If you have ever been in a dark room with only one source of light, you will find that your eyes are instinctively drawn to that light. It is the only point of reference for where you are positioned in that room. Now scripture declares, “God is light and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 5b).” The writer of Ephesians further warns, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11).

Calm in the Storm

Calm in the Storm

The storming of the Capitol building in Washington DC, this past week was shocking. It caused the whole world to pause and take notice. Many people understood that if this could happen in America, then it could happen anywhere. Following the rampage, you may be experiencing a lot of mixed emotions. Perhaps, you feel bewildered, disoriented, lost, sad, unclear, uncertain, and even afraid. The foundations we thought would hold firm have crumbled and fear has come to roost.

God is With You

God is With You!

The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”

As a new year begins, many might be wondering what is in store for them. Others are hoping for a return to what was.  These words spoken by the prophet Zephaniah encourage us not to look back or wonder helplessly about the future but to look forward with certain anticipation of God’s perfect plan for us. God’s plan assures us of his Presence, his delight, and his joy.  We can be certain that no matter what transpires in this New Year, he is with us.


God is with you, as “a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24b).

God delights in you as he waits to claim you as his future bride ((Isaiah 62:4b).

God rejoices over you with singing as a loving parent cradles and sings over a child, he loves.

(Isaiah 66:13)


As God rejoices in us, we can rejoice in him knowing that we are no longer under any condemnation but are reconciled to Him through the death of his Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  And we can give thanks and be glad as we face the future in the knowledge that our God is good, and his mercy endures forever (Psalm 118:1).

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your ever-loving Presence in my life. Thank you for the assurance of your protection over me. I commit this New Year to you. Guide me Holy Spirit and teach me to abide in you. AMEN!

The Fullness of Time

The Fullness of Time

There is a right time for everything under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3: 1a). The writer of the Book of Ecclesiastes makes this truth plain to every believer. Sometimes we are impatient in our timing and sometimes we are slackers, but God is always on time. Every word, every prophecy, and every revelation happens in the fullness of his time. Often in our folly we try to manipulate God through prayer and other means, insisting on our own outcomes, only to discover that God is Sovereign over every situation in our lives and he does what he has purposed based on his divine and perfect will for us.

Choose Unity-Choose Jesus

Choose Unity-Choose Jesus

In most cases, a crisis is something that draws humanity together. Consider the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or the many floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters that have occurred in our lifetime, humanity banded together, time and again and got through it. 2020 is different. Almost every major crisis, has driven a wedge between people and groups of people. Family members have been split apart by politics; social classes have been driven further apart by the economy; COVID-19 has created division between those who wear masks and those who do not, and even the church has not been spared. There are schisms between those who believe COVID is real and infectious, and those who feel that their faith will protect them…, and on and on it goes.

Love is the Greatest

Love is the Greatest

Mother Teresa was well known for living a life that exuded the love of Jesus Christ and for making powerful statements about love. One that comes to mind today, states: “It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts. ”This sentiment echoes the words of the apostle Paul to the Corinthian church. The greatest spiritual attribute any of us could ever have is love.

Prayer of Repentance

Prayer of Repentance

Our Father, you alone are Sovereign over all the affairs under heaven and on earth. No one can thwart your divine plans (Job 42:2; Isaiah 14:27).

Before time was you were and after time is passed, you will be, eternal God. Indeed, as your word says, you are the Alpha and the Omega (Rev 22:13), the one and only true God and we worship you, O King of Glory.

Lord we bow before your throne today to ask for your forgiveness. We, your people who are called by your name have created a mess down here, O LORD. We have participated in tearing the heart of our nation (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Stand Up and Fight!

Stand Up and Fight!

In her book the Armor of God, Priscilla Shirer, notes that many people tend to see everyday problems in non-spiritual terms, and because of that we often seek non-spiritual solutions. What we fail to understand is that the devil is real, and spiritual warfare is the occupation of every born-again believer. As one preacher put it, “As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual.”

Teach me to Wait

Teach me to Wait

Gardeners are familiar with that anticipatory period of waiting between planting the seed and seeing signs of the first shoot peeking through the soil, and then waiting some more before the crop is ready for harvest. During the waiting period, the plant roots go deep, reaching for the moist, nutrient rich soil below. During this time, the growing plant becomes sturdy and strong and more likely to survive any harsh elements above ground. All the gardener can do is wait, and hope.

Victory From Behind Enemy Lines

Victory From Behind Enemy Lines

Sir Winston Churchill once said: “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” In Exodus Chapter 1 and 2, we read of a terrible and horrifying story about a king who exhibited paranoia and spread baseless fear among his people. He was a king without love. He was the kind of king who cunningly set out to destroy the Hebrews who lived in Egypt. According to the story this new king, who came to power in Egypt, “knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done (Exodus 1:8b).” He did not do any fact finding, or ask any questions, instead he gave in to his primal instinct and decided to oppress the Israelites who lived in Egypt. He then gave an order of genocide. He instructed that all the Hebrew male children should be killed, for the mere reason that they had grown too numerous.

Bread of Heaven

Bread of Heaven

In challenging times like these, God expects the believer to rise up to the challenge of discipleship. But how can the believer live the life God intended with all the mounting pressures swirling around? Wherever you turn, there is temptation: temptation to judge, temptation to criticize, temptation to share misinformation and outright lies…you name it, it is there. I do not know about you, but quite often, I feel inadequate to live the Christian life. No matter how hard I try to be perfect, failure is a daily theme.