We have all done it at one time or another. We have sung songs declaring our total surrender to Jesus Christ. Perhaps it was, “I surrender all…” or “Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee…” or “The Cross has the final word….” But did we really mean it? Was it all about total surrender or was it the catchy tune and the atmosphere of believers worshipping together that merely gripped us for a moment? Total surrender means complete acceptance of everything that comes with believing in Jesus.
Behold, A New Thing!
Welcome to 2020 with its promise of new beginnings. You have to admit that there is something almost magical about the beginning of a New Year. It’s a time to cast off the old and embrace the new. It’s a chance to wipe off our imaginary slates and start over. It’s an opportunity to reset one’s vision, goals and aspirations and so much more, but if we’re being totally honest, many of us have tried this and failed miserably. Yes, those New Year resolutions often last as long as an ice-cream cone on a hot summer day.
Fight to the Finish
Rev. John Hagee, the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas once said, great faith is the product of great fights. One does not have great faith unless, you have engaged the spiritual enemy over and over and won the victory. Great faith is borne on the battlefield of life when your very existence spiritually and physically is threatened. Great faith does not demand miracles; it produces miracles. It is the kind of faith that starts out without knowing how things will turn out.