But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.
John 6:20
The storming of the Capitol building in Washington DC, this past week was shocking. It caused the whole world to pause and take notice. Many people understood that if this could happen in America, then it could happen anywhere. Following the rampage, you may be experiencing a lot of mixed emotions. Perhaps, you feel bewildered, disoriented, lost, sad, unclear, uncertain, and even afraid. The foundations we thought would hold firm have crumbled and fear has come to roost. It is completely human to feel this way. Jesus’ disciples felt the same way when a sudden storm interrupted their idyllic trip to Capernaum. You would think that because they had spent so much time with Jesus, they would have sufficient faith in their moment of testing. Instead, their humanity became evident even as ours is evident right now. In the face of danger, the disciples were more afraid of the storm that threatened to destroy them than in Jesus’ power to save them. We are in good company.
In John’s telling of this story, Jesus responds with the assurance of his Presence in the storm, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” As we go about our lives this week, let us hold on to that positive thought. It may not seem like it, but it is Jesus in the details, do not be afraid. America will not go where God’s love cannot reach her. Jesus understands our human frailty and he calls on us to trust him even in the worst storms of our lives (Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 55:9; Romans 8:28).
And while we are at it, let us do some honest reflection on how we got here. How did a nation that was founded on Christian principles comes to this juncture? This did not happen overnight, and no amount of flag waving will resolve it. In Matthew’s telling of this story (Matthew 8: 25b), the disciples understood their plight and in humble desperation called out to Jesus, “Lord save us! We’re going to drown!” In their moment of weakness, Jesus called the disciples to himself, even as he calls us to himself right now, “America, return to me.” And as Christ’s disciples it is now our turn to model our Savior’s love by extending the same compassion Jesus shows us to those who do not think like us. Who knows, they may be acting out of fear because they too think that their boat is sinking. Let our actions demonstrate the courageous and effusive joy of those who know that Jesus’ power to save is greater than any storm that may ever come our way.
Dear Heavenly Father: We are crying out to you today, “Lord save us! We’re going to drown!” Forgive us for turning our backs on you! Forgive us for propagating national religion rather than authentic relationship with our Savior. Forgive us for the sins of this nation as we name them one by one…. Lord in your mercy, grant us your peace. AMEN!