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Holy Anticipation

Holy Anticipation

Time and time again, the Bible makes reference to the unexpected nature of Christ’s return. He will come back while people are eating and drinking; marrying and giving in marriage, while people are sleeping and while others are working in the field. In other words, no one will see it coming. What should we do when we are expecting Jesus to come back and yet are not certain when this will be?

Fullness of Joy

Fullness of Joy

It is hard to be hopeful when we wake up to a world that feels like it is on the brink of destruction. There is so much darkness, and so much distress. Nations are in disarray, the COVID pandemic is still raging, millions of people are in dire need, the climate is changing, and fires are burning, greed for power and wealth at any cost is manifesting across the globe and cries for mercy are rising.

All Authority...

All Authority...

Prior to his departure into heaven, Jesus took his disciples to a mountain in Galilee and gave them instructions on how they were to conduct themselves in his absence (the period between his departure from earth and his return to claim his bride (the church). Jesus began this speech with the words, "All authority...." Not some authority or most authority but "all authority…."

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

During labor, some women find it helpful to focus on a focal point during contractions. Together with breathing, these techniques work well to distract one from pain. It is reported that these techniques, enhance relaxation and help the women find focus during the birthing process.

During prayer, it is human to look at the problem before us, which is exactly what we should not be looking at.

Don't Be Afraid

Don't Be Afraid

One dark evening, a four-year-old boy was spending time with his father in the family workshop when suddenly the power went out. Everything became pitch black. In a scared voice, the little boy called out, “Daddy are you there?” The father replied, “I am right here son,” slowly making his way towards the place where his son stood quivering with fear, “Don’t be afraid, I am right here,” he reassured his son.



How do you fight life’s battles? Right now, millions of people across the world are facing private battles some big, and some small. Battles can strengthen us and sharpen our wits against the enemy and then sometimes battles can destroy us. It all depends on our spiritual stance. Many people are familiar with scriptures that remind us that it is God who fights our battles (2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Samuel 17:47). And indeed, he does. He fought for his people Israel in the Old Testament and he fights for his children today. But we may be less familiar with scriptures that call upon believers to take up a sword and fight (Ephesians 6:17).

Love One Another

Love One Another

Love. Perhaps no other topic in the universe has been talked about, sang about or bandied about as much as the topic of love. Some of us grew up believing that love was this breathless wonder, this overpowering emotion that can leave one breathless or set one’s heart racing uncontrollably. Such love is worldly and often fickle; like froth in a coffee cup it frequently loses air and goes flat.

Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You

Do you remember the toilet paper shortage of 2020? It was absolutely insane was it not? I remember visiting my local supermarket and thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding!” The aisle was completely empty. Later I learned that the pandemic had interrupted production lines, thus the shortage. Sadly, when we look for peace in the world today, we sort of get the same feeling. The peace aisle is empty. Production lines have been interrupted. Nations are in turmoil. Families are in turmoil. People are in turmoil.

The King is Coming

The King is Coming

As Jesus turned his face towards Jerusalem, there was a buzz on the street as the townspeople chanted, “The king is coming!” The religious leaders were already looking for him. Threatened by his popularity, they had already decided to kill him. The crowds on the other hand saw him as the one who would free them from Roman oppression and domination. They had waited a long time for him. Each group had made him their kind of king. So, they waved their palm branches as they went out to meet him shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel! (Luke 12:12).

Remember Your Destiny

Remember Your Destiny

Recently, I listened to young woman describing her life as she was moved from one foster home to another. She stated, “I always felt adrift, like I did not belong.” This is such a cruel reality, one that would have been ours, were it not for God. Like this young woman, it is easy to feel adrift in this world, it is not our home, but the love of Jesus anchors us and holds us close.

Remember Your Destination

Remember Your Destination

Have you ever lost direction while driving? It can be very frustrating, and for some can lead to angry or impatient behavior. This is because, no one enjoys driving around in circles. We humans enjoy getting to our destinations. After God liberated the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, he sent them out into the desert towards Canaan, their destination. Despite God’s faithfulness to them in that desert; providing water and manna and giving them victory over enemy tribes in the land, Israel forgot who they were and whose they were which ultimately led them to forget their directions and their ultimate destination. Like wayward children, Israel began to dawdle at the base of Mt. Sinai. There, they formed a calf out of molten gold, and they worshipped it.