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Greater Love!

Greater love has no man than this:  to lay down one’s life for one’s friends .

John 15:13

Memorial Day in America is a day when we all pause to remember and honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  The idea of sacrifice is centuries old, and it was not always as tame and fun as it is today.  In fact, it was downright barbaric!  In the ancient world both animal and human sacrifice were widespread (horrific!).  As shocking as this is to us today, archaeologists have found that young men were buried alive in peat bogs as an offering to the people’s gods.  In South America, young maidens were led high into the Andes and left to starve and freeze to death as an offering to the mountain gods.  And in Nigeria, newly born twins were left at the mercy of wild animals deep in the forest to ward off bad luck from befalling a family or village (Shudder, shudder).  Other nations, have similar stories to tell.

In the Old Testament, God tests Abraham’s trust and obedience by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, but along the way God himself provides the ram needed for the burnt offering.  This incident pointed to the ultimate sacrifice that God was planning to make by giving up his perfect Son Jesus Christ, as an atonement for humanity’s sin.

In these modern times, when challenges against goodness and kindness are mounting, God calls us to continue living a life of spiritual sacrifice by going above and beyond what is expected of us for the sake of our fellow man, especially for those who depend on us daily.  Those brave men and women we honor on Memorial Day gave their lives to make our lives better.  What are you willing to give (sacrifice) to make the lives that God has entrusted to you better?  That “extra” is the higher calling for all believers.

Will you heed that call?

“Those who are happiest (most joyful) are those who do the most for others-Booker T. Washington.”

Loving God, you sent the standard, when you gave your life for me.  Now help me to give my best for you.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen!