Take a moment and think about the most important thing you need to accomplish by the end of your day today. Pause. I’ll wait…. Got it?
Now would you believe me if I told you that, that is not the most important thing?
Words matter! As someone once noted, “Words are free, but they cost.” The writer of the gospel of Matthew says that every word we speak is a gauge to our spiritual condition. For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). Indeed, God will hold us accountable for every word we speak, in the judgment.
Two brothers were talking one day, when one said to the other, "When I'm older, "I'll find me a hideout in the mountains and rob the rich guys." Before his shocked mother could respond, the other brother said, "Not me, I'm going to be a medical missionary somewhere in a needy continent like Africa." The next day the mother narrated the incident to her neighbor, finally exclaiming, "Can you imagine that? In the same home and with the same training!"
Have you noticed lately, that everyone seems to be telling (selling?) their story? From sunrise to sunset, someone is trying to get our attention through one of the many forms of media that we all choose to interact with. The airwaves are packed 24-7-365. Every storyteller insists that their story is the most captivating with an important lesson for the listeners.
A Soviet-born stand-up comedian, Yakov Smirnoff, once told a story about his first impressions, after he moved to America in 1977. He was amazed at the endless variety of instant products he could buy at the store. For instance, there was powdered milk; just add water and you have milk. Then there was powdered orange juice; just add water and you have orange juice. Then he saw baby powder and thought, … what a great country!