Atonement is something we all need because as the Bible says, we all sin. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23)” After Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis, their eyes were opened, and they knew they were naked.
Consider the Ant
Ants are tenacious creatures. They live in colonies and are mainly characterized by their sociability, communication, and cooperation. Within a colony, ants perform different roles according to their caste. The queen rules, the worker ants build and toil for food, and the soldier ants protect the colony. Each ant carries out their role like a well-trained…
An Era of Peace
A Child of God
Essential Summer Packing
Honor Life
Beyond the Gift
These days, it seems that the focus of our Christian faith is mainly on “getting” more and more. Perhaps we have seen those musical TikTok videos that flaunt all the material blessings that we have received as though to suggest it is the only measure for the evidence of God’s favor and working Presence in our lives. If this were true, what would happen if all these material possessions were to disappear?
Mother's Day
Today is Mother’s Day. This special day comes around once a year, and we stop to honor our mothers and all those women who exemplify the wisdom, grace, and influence of godly mothers. Yet each year I am reminded that though this may be a happy Mother’s Day for some, it is not for others. It is a difficult day for those who have lost their mothers, especially recently.
Sabbath Rest
Israel’s rich and powerful merchants and leaders despised God’s rest, they could not wait to get past the Sabbath so they could continue with their unjust and deceptive business practices. God’s response to them was: “I will expel you from my kingdom. Not because I want to, but because you want to live unjust, unforgiven, and God-forsaking lives.” There are severe consequences for ignoring God’s call to rest.
Christ's Power In Us
William Whewell (1794-1866), an English Philosopher, scientist and theologian once said, “Every failure, is a step to success.” It does not feel like that though, does it? Often, when we fail, we are consumed by disappointment, frustration, and shame, because we have been socialized to believe that only success is worthy. We laud and celebrate success in every sphere of life, but there is often a reprimand or deafening silence when it comes to failure even though we know that children must first learn to crawl and will often fall (that is “fail”), before they can walk and then run.
Do Not Grumble
What kind of influence do you have on those around you? Many years ago, I worked at a business that actively promoted the mantra, “Talk to, not about.” The employees knew that the success or failure of the business depended on everyone’s attitude, and the resulting culture we created in the workplace. The same can be said for life in general, and the Bible has a lot to say about attitude (Phil. 2:14-15; 1 Cor. 10:10; 1 Pet. 4:9).
Fully Known -Fully Loved
In his book, The Meaning of Marriage…(2013), the author, Timothy Keller, says: “To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” In simple terms, when someone knows the worst of you and still chooses to love you, that is godly love.
Fit for Service
Approaching Jerusalem
This is Holy Week. All over the world, believers will gather together to contemplate the events that unfolded many centuries ago, in Jerusalem. In our Sunday services, we can get so caught up in the drama of dancing and singing “Hosanna” while waving our palm branches as we try to recreate the atmosphere that unfolded that day….
Jesus Knows
Loneliness. If you have ever experienced it, you know. Jesus felt it too on that night in Gethsemane. Throughout his life he had enjoyed the crowds in the temple, and he had experienced the closeness of those who followed him day and night listening to his teachings and experiencing his miraculous power. For three years he had savored the constant friendship of the twelve disciples, his closest chosen companions. Yet on the night that he needed them the most, in those final few hours of his life, they fell asleep. They abandoned him. They failed him in his hour of need.
Encourage Someone Today
Come Away and Rest
The feeding of the 5,000 is a story we know well. We are inspired by this miracle when we are caught in worries of scarcity. This miracle reminds us that Jesus will provide. Yet, while we focus on his impactful teaching and miraculous feeding of the crowd, it is easy to gloss over the thing that makes it possible: rest.
In reading this story, what do you notice?
When did you last unplug from technology? Many of us are tethered to our cell phones from the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep. One Saturday evening, a few months ago, I remember reaching the brink of panic because I could not find my cell phone anywhere. I spent hours searching frantically for it, my mind spinning as I tried to retrace my movements throughout the day and all the time wishing I had not switched it to silent mode.
Work While it is Day
As a young girl growing up, I often heard the adults in my life say the phrase, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. At the time, I did not understand the full meaning of that phrase, but as I got older it made a whole lot more sense. I noticed how destructive idle time can be. The devil likes to slip into the idle and empty spaces of our lives. He loves to wreak havoc when he finds an opening, however tiny it might be.