“When will the New Moon be over that we may sell grain, and the Sabbath be ended
that we may market wheat?”—skimping on the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales,….
Amos 8:5
Israel’s rich and powerful merchants and leaders despised God’s rest, they could not wait to get past the Sabbath so they could continue with their unjust and deceptive business practices. God’s response to them was: “I will expel you from my kingdom. Not because I want to, but because you want to live unjust, unforgiven, and God-forsaking lives.” There are severe consequences for ignoring God’s call to rest.
Straight out of the gate in Genesis 2:2-3, the Bible mentions that God who created the world in six days, rested on the seventh day. Also, included in the Ten Commandments is the fourth commandment, “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.” Rest is holy and essential to our overall well-being. Rest, reminds us, we are not in charge, God is. Rest keeps us in tune with God’s will and allows us to do the things that please him, in ways that honor him.
If you are experiencing fatigue and a reduced level of joy in your work and life in general, it may be, that you need, rest. Here are a couple of suggestions:
· Turn off the T.V and radio and read the Good News or just reflect on all the things that God has done for you, for your family and for your friends and give God thanks.
· Step outside and notice the colors of the sky in the morning, take in a sunset in the evening, go for a hike, sit by a lake, observe the beauty of the earth, and reflect on this amazing world God has allowed you to inhabit.
· Disconnect from all distractions two to three times a day and for five minutes sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and just breathe deeply, focusing on each intake and expulsion of air from your lungs.
Rest regularly and let God restore your balance spiritually, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. If God, who is all-powerful and without limit, rested, imagine how much more we mortal, and limited beings need rest.
May the Lord restore your joy and vitality as you find rest in Him. AMEN.