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He Will Do It!

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

1 Thessalonians 5: 23-24

From the creation of the world, everything has been in flux. Nothing remains the same. The environment changes, relationships change, societies change, we change, everything changes, except… the character of God. It’s only January and I have run into countless acquaintances and friends who are experiencing painful seasons in their lives. They were looking forward to 2020 with great hope, but circumstances changed swiftly and now despair beckons.

You may be in such a season too, but you are not alone. Paul writes to the Thessalonian church at a time when they were experiencing difficulties too. Paul focuses their attention on God’s unchanging nature. He is the God of peace, who sanctifies through and through and who keeps the body, soul and spirit blameless until his coming. No matter how terrible the circumstance, God is in the details and always in control. Yes, even in the face of death, God is sovereign. He is the ruler of the universe and no one can thwart his plans for you.

In the face of the challenges before you, know that he will never forsake, neglect or ignore you. Instead he walks beside you, listening, comforting, consoling and affirming you and to quote Paul, you can be sure that “the one who calls you is faithful. He will do it! (1 Thessalonians 5: 24).

Unchanging God, the one who was, and is and is to come, hallowed be your name. Thank you for reminding me that you will never change. You are the God of peace and in you I place my trust. I know you are faithful, and as you did for the Thessalonians, you will do it for me. Amen.