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The God who Multiplies

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Have you ever wondered what the little boy was thinking as he handed his five small barley loaves and two small fish to Jesus (John 6: 1-13)? Perhaps he thought, “This is too little to feed such a huge crowd, but it’s all I have,” or he may have thought, “If anyone can multiply this food, Jesus can.” I guess we’ll never know what the young man was thinking that day. What we do know are the critical thoughts of the adults around him, “…, but how far will they go among so many?” That crowd was huge, five thousand strong, and the little boy’s offering painfully small. But God! This was the perfect setting for a miracle.

Has life ever felt this way for you? Perhaps God has placed a burden on your heart, but you feel too uncertain, too unqualified, too unprepared, too whatever you may want to add. Often this sense of inadequacy prevents us from stepping forth in faith. Granted, there may be occasions when we need to be better prepared before embarking on a God-ordained mission. Too often however, paralysis sets in, because we are busy looking at our limited capacities rather than at God’s ability. When we focus on our inadequacies, the result is fear; and fear is the enemy of faith. If the little boy had given in to fear, the crowd would not have been fed, further the miracle of multiplication would not have taken place.

Is it possible that God is ready to multiply his blessings in your life, but you haven’t taken the first step? You’ve been praying about it and you’ve been talking about it, but you haven’t really relinquished control of the outcome and let God guide you. Perhaps years have come and gone, and you still feel stuck. It is time to release the little in your hand. Look to him and trust him (Proverbs 3:5-6). Involve Jesus in everything you do, and allow his provision of grace, fortitude, favor, wisdom and power to multiply and grow the little offerings in your hands. Only he can!

Loving God, I offer you the little in my hand. Breathe upon my gift, bless it and multiply it’s impact in your Kingdom. Amen.