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Through God's Lens

This is what the LORD says: “Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches.”

Jeremiah 9:23

A man received a promotion to the position of Vice President of the company he worked for.  The promotion went to his head and for weeks he bragged to anyone and everyone that he was now VP.  His bragging came to an abrupt halt when his wife, so embarrassed by his behavior, said, “Listen Bob, it’s not that big a deal. These days everyone’s a Vice President.  Why, they even have a Vice President of Peas down at the supermarket!”

Somewhat deflated, Bob rang the local supermarket to find out if this was true.  “Can I speak to the Vice President of Peas please?” he asked, to which the reply came: “of fresh or frozen?”

We live in a world where many are looking for significance in all the wrong places.  Some run after fame, others power and titles, still others riches, and much more of the glitter the world has to offer, yet none of these things satisfies their hunger.  It’s a mere chasing after the wind.  These, will one day fade away, and the accolades will end.  The what?

The spiritually wise seek after God and everything else is added unto them (Matthew 6:33) Contentment can be found in nothing else but, God.  True satisfaction can be found nowhere else, except in relationship to our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 6:6).  God has already given us significance through his Son.  He calls us loved (John 3:16), forgiven (Ephesians 4:32), chosen (Ephesians 1:4), free (John 8:36) and beautiful (Song of Songs 4:7). 

Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD (1 Corinthians 1:31).” Dear friend what are you chasing after and what is your boast?  Have you discovered the kind of contentment that can only come from knowing the Father?  You, O child of God are enough.  Thank God for the titles, and promotions, and the riches, but recognize that your significance comes only from the fact that Christ purchased you with his blood, and that is a gift that will never perish.

Almighty God, thank you for giving me the greatest gift, adoption into your family.  Now grant me the wisdom to always seek your Kingdom first, knowing that you, Holy God , are all I need .  My identity in you is my significance. In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.