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The God Who Hears You

And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them.

Exodus 3:9

The children of Israel had been in Egypt for 430 years and they had lived 400 of those years as slaves under their cruel Egyptian masters.  During these 400 years, the Egyptians imposed their cultures and their religions upon the children of Israel.  One can assume that despite their best efforts to preserve their culture and faith, these foreign influences had polluted and diluted their worship of YAHWEH, the One and Only true God; the God of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob.  But even though their memories of God may have been dulled by the passage of time, they knew enough to cry out to him in their time of suffering and despair, and the amazing thing is that, God heard them, and God moved on their behalf to set them free from Pharoah.

Dear friend, you don’t have to be perfect for God to hear your cry and move on your behalf.  You do not even have to earn the right to appear before his throne.  He is a God who hears and answers the cries of those who turn to him in their time of need.  No one is perfect, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God… (Romans 3:23).  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been held captive by sin, or how long you’ve been polluted by the world, the moment you repent of your sin and confess Jesus as Savior, his grace becomes operational in your life.

In the midst of their oppression the children of Israel cried out to God and you can too.  Even though they only had a distant memory of their God, the Israelites trusted in his love for them and he came through for them.  In the same way, he will come through for you because of his love for you.  Walk on in faith, and trust that even if your situation does not change, God will bring you through it, to the glory and honor of his name.

LORD, your word is true and sufficient for each situation in my life.  Thank you for hearing me and for moving on my behalf.  I may not know it, or even feel it, but I believe you are fighting my battles in Jesus’.  Amen.