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God is Working, Wait!

Have you ever been forced to wait for something?  Waiting is difficult at any age.  Waiting can also be lonely. There have been times in my life when the Lord has forced me to wait on Him.  There have been times when I fell ill and was unable to continue with the work of ministry.  There have been other times when I experienced delays and interruptions and couldn’t go forward with a mission that I felt was God-ordained.  During these times, I discovered the gift of rest; and I also discovered the gift of spiritual growth.

Confidence in the Lord

As we go through life, there are times when our confidence wavers.  There are times of deep discouragement, disappointment and despair.  Quite often these dark moments result from the interactions we have with people around us.  For instance, have you ever put your confidence in a person and been disappointed?  Have you ever suffered a let-down by someone you trusted deeply? 

More of Him

We humans have a pervasive desire for power, fame, wealth and recognition.  We will go to great lengths to outdo one another, and we will frown at anyone or anything that gets in our way.  Even as little children, we display the desire to see our names in lights. The little girl wants to be a princess and the little boy wants to be a superhero and both desires are encouraged and rewarded with loving nods by the adults in their lives.  Very soon, these desires and ambitions dominate our adult lives.  But in the Confession of St. Augustine, Augustine writes: “Sin comes when we take a perfectly natural desire or longing or ambition and try desperately to fulfill it without God. Not only is it sin, it is a perverse distortion of the image of the Creator in us. All these good things, and all our security, are rightly found only and completely in him (Philippians 3:8).”

Be Very Sure!

Over the last few months, I’ve heard a certain phrase used repeatedly, “You do you!” It is often stated with such emphasis as though to convince the hearer of its ultimate wisdom and truth.  On the one hand, God created you to be unique, no one else is like you, so go ahead and be you.  However, the modern take on this phrase goes further, it gives one the license to be a free spirit, no matter where that spirit takes one.   In other words, in this modern era, people are free to be and do whatever pleases them.  Whatever feels good to you, go ahead and do it.  However you want to show up in the world, go ahead and be it.  No one has a right to an opinion concerning your lifestyle because it is your life.  On the surface, this is a tempting proposition. 

Peace, Be Still

Our current world is fraught with danger; fraught with pettiness and rumors; fraught with worry and all manner of ugliness and confusion.  I would even dare say; a perfect storm is brewing.  It is easy to get carried away by the sludge; it is easy to get immune to the wickedness.  It is easy to want to withdraw from it all and pretend, it will all go away quietly.  It is quite easy to normalize this corrosive, oppressive, unsound and ungodly environment. In fact this is what the devil hopes we will do.  But God is looking for those who will be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12) in spite of the storm.

A Closer Walk With God

It’s a wonderful thing to have a good friend; to have someone in your life that Anne of Green Gables would refer to as a “bosom friend.” For the past 23 years, I have had one such a friend.  She is like a blood sister to me.  We share a similar sense of humor, and everything is funnier when she is around.  Our telephone conversations are peppered with fits of uncontrollable giggles over jokes that only we understand. 

From Trash to Treasure

Every day, millions of people donate their possessions to second-hand stores for re-sale.  For some, these giveaways are just trash.  And yet, every once in a while, we hear one of those amazing stories on the news where a lucky person purchases an item for a few dollars, only to discover that the second-hand item is worth a couple million dollars?  The seemingly ordinary object, whether jewelry or a piece of art turns out to be a piece of treasure.

The Gift of Peace

The Personnel Journal reported this incredible statistic: since the beginning of recorded history, the entire world has been at peace less than eight percent of the time! In its study, the periodical discovered that of 3530 years of recorded history, only 286 years saw peace. Moreover, in excess of 8000 peace treaties were made--and broken (Moody Bible Institute, Today in The Word, June 1988, p.33).

From the moment Adam and Eve sinned, peace became a rare commodity.  For this reason, humanity craves peace.  

When He Calls

If you are over 50 years old, you will remember an old hymn that goes like this:

(When he calls me, I will answer x3); I’ll be somewhere working for my Lord; 

I'll be somewhere, (working, working somewhere X2);  Working for my Lord……x2

 As a young girl in elementary (Kenya-primary) school, I sang this song with gusto, mostly off-key I’m sure, but nevertheless I lent my enthusiastic voice to the deafening chorus of sopranos and tenor’s around me, with barely a thought for what this song really meant.  Maybe you can remember singing the same song, declaring confidently for all to hear, “When he calls me, I will answer.” If you are anything like me, this is easier to say, than do.

With You Always

Jesus will never call you to a place that he hasn’t been to himself.  When he calls his loved ones to a responsibility, task or mission, it’s because he’s been there.  No matter how rough the waters, no matter how strong the winds, Jesus promises, “I will be with you (Isaiah 41:10a).”  Before Jesus calls Peter to the extraordinary act of walking on water; to the extraordinary act of doing that which, no other human person had ever done, Jesus can be found walking on that lake, during the fourth watch of the night, alone, and certain only of one thing, God’s divine Presence.

The Power of Words

Words have power.  Words can heal, and words can destroy.  How many times have you seen someone’s face light up because of the encouraging words you spoke to them?  And how many times have wished you could take back harsh words spoken in the heat of the moment?  Perhaps you will remember the little song from childhood whose chorus has these words, “…if you can’t say something nice, don’t talk at all is my advice.”  The composer of the song certainly understood the power of words.

Finding God in the Wilderness

Occasionally, Christians go through the “wilderness experience.”   It happens even to spiritual giants like the late renowned evangelist, Billy Graham, the late Mother Teresa, Joyce Meyer and many others that you know.  If you listen to their stories and their life testimonies you will discover the theme of loneliness.  At one point or another in their ministries, they too felt like they were alone in the wilderness.  The wilderness experience seems to be part and parcel of what we refer to as, “God’s call” on someone’s life.

The Peace of God

A few days ago, I woke up to find numerous herbs and all kinds of vegetables blooming in my box gardens.  I was excited to see tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatillos at different stages of growth.  The excitement was not dampened when I noticed weeds growing underneath the vegetables.  I chose to focus on the juicy tomato plants, the green peppers and the tomatillo plants that I was growing for the first time.  I was elated at what I experienced as God’s bountiful provision; the weeds, were no biggie.  They were gone by noon.  I dealt with them quickly and efficiently.

A Firm Foundation

Every builder understands that the foundation of any building is the most important part of the building.  It must be able to support the structure that will be built upon it.  The foundation must be strong enough to support however many floors are constructed upon it, and at the same time, must withstand any floods or winds that may buffet the building.  There are few things stronger than rock, which is why in the parable of the wise and foolish builders, Jesus says wise is the builder who builds his house upon rock, and foolish is the builder who builds upon sand.

And Without Faith

Biblical faith is a firm conviction or firm persuasion in God and in his holy word.  Elsewhere someone has defined it as, “…the act whereby a person lays hold of God's resources, becomes obedient to what He has prescribed and putting aside all self-interest and self-reliance (emphasis mine), trusts Him completely. It is an unqualified surrender of the whole of one's being in dependence upon Him. It is wholly trusting and relying upon Him for all things.

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Father’s Day is a special day for many families.  It gives us the opportunity to celebrate those individuals who have been fathers to us.  Some families will get together for a special meal, others will give their fathers a gift, still others will take the time to visit a father they haven’t seen in a while and the rest will take time to remember those fathers who have gone home to be with the Lord.  Yet, amid the excitement of this special day…

Have You Defiled Yourself?

Joan of Arc is reported to have once said, “All battles are first won or lost in the mind.”  She was correct.  “Daniel resolved not to defile himself….”  Daniel won his battle, from the moment he heard the King’s order.  As soon as the order left the King’s mouth, Daniel resolved in his heart, to do the right thing.  He did not negotiate his battle.  He did not explain, rationalize or reason his way through it.  He did not try to find the loopholes or make up excuses.   He did not even try to find out what the others were going to do following the order, Daniel chose to do the right thing, because it was the right thing to do.

Pray for the Children

God has a tender spot in his heart for children.  He says in Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Jesus came into the world as a baby by God’s divine plan.  God needed someone innocent and pure to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins, and nothing speaks purity and innocence as clearly as a baby born of a virgin.   But Jesus also came as a baby threatened by Herod…