Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Mark 6:31
From time to time, we all need a break from the dizzying pace of modern living. I realize, this is not a prudent thing to say on a Monday morning when many of us have just returned from the weekend. However, the break I am referring to goes much deeper than physical rest. It is a reflective rest, like that which Jesus took on many occasions in the gospels.
In Mark 6:31, Jesus invites his disciples to go with him to a “quiet place and get some rest.” They had been working hard all day and needy people kept coming. Jesus’ solution was to step away from it all, and rest, perhaps to refresh themselves physically but also to refocus on their “why.” Why were they doing this work?
Like those disciples, we are faced with the daily needs of those we serve. The work, though fulfilling, can also be demanding and exhausting, and exhausted people often lose sight of their “why.” We too must step away to a quiet place and get some rest. Rest recharges our spiritual batteries. Rest reminds us that following Jesus is not an easy task. It calls for self-sacrifice, humility and even suffering. Rest reminds us that this work is not about us, it is about God’s Kingdom coming alive in the hearts and lives of those we serve.
As we begin this week, let us cultivate a rhythm that makes room for a quiet moment with Jesus, so that he might refresh our strength, refuel our love, and revive our commitment to serve him wholly. Three-to-five-minute intervals of solitude, two to three times a day will reconnect us to our “why” through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Have a meaningful, balanced and fulfilling week and breathe….God is in control!