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No Turning Back

Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

Luke 9:62

In the middle of the 19th Century, a man in India named, Nokseng came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ through the efforts of an American Baptist missionary.  The village chief instructed him to renounce his faith, but the convert declared, "I have decided to follow Jesus." His refusal led to the killing of his two children.  When his wife was threatened, he continued to declare, "Though no one will join me, still I will follow." The chief responded by killing his wife.  Undeterred, the man continued to sing, "The world behind me, The cross before me."  He was executed while singing these last few lines.  This display of unfaltering faith is reported to have led to the conversion of the chief and many others in that village.

We’ve come a long way since then.  Lately, there has been a spate of Christian influencers who have chosen to renounce the Christian faith.  It is a dangerous trend for those of the house of God, but not for the reasons you imagine.  Jesus Christ has already declared in Matthew 16:18, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”  Therefore, nothing will threaten the church of Jesus Christ.  No amount of backsliding, lukewarm faith, deceptive preaching, or even persecution can quench the Spirit’s fire and the heavenward march towards God’s ordained destiny for his bride.

The danger posed by these renunciations of the Christian faith, are for those who walk by sight rather than by faith.  The Bible is filled with warnings about turning back.  Here are some examples:

·       Lot’s wife disobeyed God.  She looked back to Sodom and became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26)

·       The children of Israel are warned against unbelief.  Those who entered the rebellion did not enter the promised land (Hebrews 3:12-19).

·       Dire warnings against falling away; those who do so are considered reprobate

 (Hebrews 6).

There is a price to pay for following Jesus, but there is also great eternal reward.  There is a heavier price to pay for falling away.  As you watch the giants of the faith begin to fall away, which way will you go?  Is your faith built on sand or is it on solid ground?

 Dear God, as the hymn writer said, “My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and his righteousness.  Strengthen my faith dear Lord, that I might stand in you to the very end.  Amen