When Fanny Crosby, was a little girl, she lost sight in both eyes through a medical mishap. The years that followed were lean, as she learned how to navigate life without her sight. Instead of becoming bitter, Fanny turned to God and allowed him to work in her situation. God gave Fanny joy, and a new song in her heart. Today the Church is much richer for it. God did not restore Fanny’s physical sight, instead he deepened her spiritual insight into God as a restorative God. Despite the lean years, Fanny writes in the song, Blessed Assurance, “Visions of rapture now burst on my sight.”
The Giant Slayer
David wrote this Psalm at a time when God had anointed him to become King over Israel. At the time, he was surrounded by many enemies, including Saul who sought to kill him. David reveals that at times he was so overwhelmed with fear, he felt as if, “the cords of death entangled him.” But David calls out to the one who was worthy of praise, and who had delivered him from all his enemies.