God speaks. There is no question about that. In the beginning when the earth was still a formless void, God spoke it into being saying, “Let there be… (Genesis 1),” and there was. The universe bent to God’s power and creation took form. Throughout the Old Testament he speaks to his people through prophets and Kings. In these “last days” God has spoken to humanity through his Son. There is no additional messenger coming. Jesus is the final Word. The only question that remains is this: “Are we listening?
He Still Whispers
Elijah was in the throes of fear when God spoke to him. He feared that Jezebel would kill him. Even though Elijah believed fully in God’s power; and even though he had just won the contest on Mt. Carmel over 450 prophets of Baal and four hundred prophets of Asherah (1 Kings 18:19), he was still very afraid. In the midst of this fear, God told him to go stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD and wait for the LORD to pass by (1 Kings 19:11). Elijah could have mistaken the powerful wind, the earthquake, and the fire for the presence of God. But he did not, because he was listening; he was tuned in to God.
Is God Speaking?
Has God been speaking to you? That’s a question that many believers wrestle with from time to time. How can one know when it is God and when it is just a personal desire or dissatisfaction or something else? How can mortal, flawed and sinful human beings identify the voice of a divine and infallible creator whose thoughts are not our thoughts and whose ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)? I don’t know how, but I know it is possible and I know that it does happen, because of God’s love for humanity, and his love covers a multitude of sins (John 3:16).