Know Jesus-Know Peace
…Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace, be with you!”
John 20:19
If we had been there, when the arrest of Jesus was made, when the persecution became physical, when the taunts and humiliations grew in intensity, perhaps we would not take his offer of peace too lightly. If we had been there when they nailed Jesus to the cross, offered him vinegar to drink and pierced his side, perhaps we would appreciate the value of the peace he offers. If we had been there when he breathed his last, and when the curtain was rent in two and he declared “It is finished,” perhaps we would accept his offer of peace.
Today many are worried and uncertain because they do not know these things. They do not know that Jesus who was arrested, humiliated and crucified, but who also rose from the grave offers humanity a peace, that is like no other. A peace that surpasses all understanding.
Just as he offered this peace to his disciples in their moment of distress and anxiety, he offers it to you today. Jesus says, “Peace be with you in the midst of your marital difficulties; peace be with you as you raise your teenagers in a complicated world; peace be with you in that job that makes you question your worth; peace be with you in your financial difficulties; perfect, complete, heavenly peace be with you, whatever your circumstances.” This peace is not a thing. It is a person. His name is Jesus. When we invite him into our lives, his peace is ours forever. No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace. Amen.