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Let Freedom Ring!

And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all.

Hebrews 10:10

Have you ever owed someone some money?  It weighs on you, does it not?  Think about a car loan, mortgage, home improvement loan, or a college loan; at the end of the month, it must be paid and when your bank balance is a little tight, this causes anxiety.  However, think about the opposite scenario.  There comes a day when the loan is ‘paid in full.’  Remember the joy, the testifying, and the feeling of freedom?  It is a joy and relief like no other.

Hebrews 10:10 was written to remind Jewish Christians, who were being lured back to the old law, that Christ had paid their debt of sin in full and he had done so with his body, which God offered up as a ransom for sin.  That priceless sacrifice, offered in accordance to God’s will meant they were now free from the old law.  They owed nothing and the blood of bulls and goats were no longer needed.  Worse still, these sacrifices were no longer able to erase sin. Christ paid the price with the perfect sacrifice.  They were sanctified through his blood, once for all.  Just think about that.  What a glorious gift.

How about us?  Can we make ourselves holy by doing the right things?  Can we earn freedom from sin, by singing in the choir, offering food to the hungry, attending Bible study and so on?  Hardly!  These are all commendable things to do.  However, they are our grateful response to what Jesus has already done for us.  By God’s will he has made us holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ.  This gift is once for all.  Christ himself said, “It is finished! (Telestai).”  Christ took our place, consumed the cup of God’s wrath, and the bridge between a holy God and sinful man had been established.  Done (English).  Terminado (Spanish).  Imekamilika (Swahili).  Wán chéng de (Chinese).

As we prepare for Good Friday and Easter Week, let us thank God for setting us free.  Let us rejoice that our debt is paid in full.  Let us testify, so others can bring their sins to the same fountain to have their sins washed away once for all. Let us tell friends and family that nothing can wash away our stain, except the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah!