No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Matthew 6:24
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds his listeners that they cannot serve two masters because it would be impossible to please both. Ultimately one master will be pleased and the other dissatisfied, or even angry. For the believer, the choice we make has far-reaching consequences.
Many years ago, my grandmother told me a story about a very greedy rabbit. It went on a journey and on the way home, came across some rich farmland. Mr. Rabbit came to an intersection, and he could see fields of produce to his right and his left, but he could not decide which way to go. Eventually, he decided to straddle both roads so he could sample the produce on either side. He had only gone a short distance before he split down the middle and died.
Jesus teaches that we cannot serve God and the things of this world (wealth). Since we cannot have divided allegiance, we must choose one or the other. There is nothing wrong with wealth, except when devotion to wealth surpasses or overshadows our devotion for God. Since we can only serve one master, we must decide whether it will be wealth (things of this world) or God. One road leads to life, the other to death. Which one will you choose?
Heavenly Father, give me heavenly wisdom so that I might always put you first. Your word reminds me to seek your kingdom and your righteousness first, then all these things will be added unto me. Teach me to seek you early, every day. AMEN.