He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When then they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
John 21: 6
The disciples had been fishing all night but had caught nothing. The next morning, Jesus enters the picture and asks them to throw their net on the right side of the boat. Even though they do not recognize him, they do as he instructs them to do, and they end up with a large haul of fish (vs. 13), and just like that they recognize who he is. It is the Lord.
The disciples had been fishing all night. Working hard like they “normally” did and fishing in the way they were used to; fishing on the left side which came naturally to them. It was their cultural norm. Jesus intervenes and asks them to do the very opposite. He asks them to throw their nets on the right side; the “unnatural” and “countercultural” side. They could have responded in any number of ways, fortunately they choose to obey, and their obedience leads to a supernatural catch of fish.
It is normal to want to rely on our own knowledge, skills, and expertise. It is normal to do life, “the way we have always done it.” Jesus calls us to do it his way. It may feel different, it may even feel “unnatural” but if we obey, it will lead to a deeper revelation of who he is. And a deeper revelation of who Jesus is, will lead to more genuine communion with him. In 1887, John H. Sammis, and Daniel B. Towner wrote the hymn, “Trust and Obey” reminding us that there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Are there areas of your life where you are still resisting Jesus’ call to “Throw your net on the right side”? Have you been arguing with yourself about it? Or have you been afraid about what others would think if you did something so countercultural? If so, dare to obey today and see what God will do.
Loving God: You called your disciples to be fishers of me, and then you taught them how to fish. Teach me to trust that you who called me, will also guide me in the way I should go. Today, I ask that you would lead me in the path of obedience to the glory of your Holy Name. AMEN.