“When these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!”
Luke 21:28
Unsettling times like these can make us uncertain and afraid. I bet you will never hear someone sneeze or cough the same way again. COVID-19 has changed us, perhaps fundamentally. Like Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, we have peered into this dark hole of our lives and we are unsettled. The foundations we trusted in have been shaken. Many people are asking, “What is the meaning of all this? Where is God when it hurts? Will life ever return to normal?”
As the two Mary’s looked into that empty tomb in Mathew 28, they too were afraid, but the angel of God showed up in that instant to reassure them, “Do not be afraid,” he said, “for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said (Matthew 18: 5-6a).” The women were looking backwards, seeking the body of the Jesus they knew, but he had already risen, fulfilling God’s purposes and the promise he had made earlier stating he would rise again (Matthew 17: 23).
Could it be, that in looking backwards to what is “normal” we are missing the point? Could it be that the old is gone, and now Christ ushers his people into a new reality, one that brings us closer to his return and fulfills yet another promise he made to his disciples (Luke 21:28). Could it be that these current happenings serve to remind us yet again, that the risen Jesus, will come back just as he said he would? It is time to look up, our salvation is near! So, fear not, Our Risen King, has conquered sin, disease and death and whatever happens, you win.
Almighty God, thank you that even in uncertain times like these, you are a certain God. You have not left your people guessing. Instead you have provided your Word which is a light to our feet and a lamp to our path. Order our steps dear Lord, so that we might be careful to do as you have commanded as we await your return. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.