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Occupy Until I Come

So, he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. 'Put this money to work,' he said, 'until I come back.'

Luke 19:13

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many countries into a lockdown situation. Being in lockdown, means that everyone, except for essential services, must stay-at-home. While some may cherish this slow-down to life’s usual frantic pace, there are those who are finding this change of rhythm challenging. The internet is filled with cat-videos, and dog videos and exercise videos and distance learning videos and … you get the drift, as people try to pass the time “till things get back to normal”. I find myself wondering though, what does God expect of me at a time like this?

In Luke 19: 11-13, Jesus tells the parable of a noble man who went off to a distant country to be appointed king. Upon his departure, he called his ten servants and gave them, ten minas each, telling them, “Put this money to work, until I come back.” In the absence of the master, the servants were expected to put the money to work. In fact, in many societies around the world, this is what servants do, they work until the master returns. I believe this is what Jesus expects of me; expects of his followers, and especially at a time like this.

Upon leaving earth, Jesus, like the noble man, left instructions for his disciples. He promised to send a helper (John 14:16), and he instructed his disciples to go and make disciples… (Matthew 28:19-20) and he even promised he would come back (John 14:3; Acts 1:11). As the church awaits Jesus’ return, the task is clear, “occupy, until I come back.” As disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, our work in this time of quiet (lockdown), has been laid out for us: we must be vigilant in prayer (Matthew 25:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:17), and we must occupy by putting our faith into action for God’s glory. COVID-19 has saturated our airwaves, but it need not saturate our time so, permit me say, God is in control and he will use everything in his arsenal to eliminate this virus. We will get through this period with steadfast prayer, with compassion for one another, with generosity to those in need, with adherence to health guidelines and with loads of common sense. While the doctors and healthcare workers valiantly do their part, let us stay strong and let us continue making disciples. Brother/sister, occupy until the master returns.

Dear Lord, I thank you that you are in total control of this situation facing the world today. You have not left us alone. You are behind the scenes working in us to will and to act in order to fulfill your good purpose. Thank you for doctors, nurses and other essential workers who risk their lives daily for others. Protect them LORD. Give me the courage to do my part, and to redeem the time, as I trust you to do your part. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.