Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4
One day, a pastor was preaching a fiery sermon, and the congregation was carried away by the atmosphere generated in the church. The pastor strode boldly from one end of the altar to the other, carefully crafting his illustrations and skillfully weaving God’s word into the mix. Occasionally he pumped the air with his fists, bobbing one way and then the other, his voice rose and fell, captivating his audience with the power of God’s word, with his charisma and with his gift of oratory. The congregation listened intently, punctuating the pauses with various affirmations such as “Oh Yeah, don’t hold back, Amen and Preach it pastor!” Suddenly the pastor stopped, everyone’s eyes were fixed on him as they waited to hear what he would say next. He stared back silently, and then he asked, “Do you feel the Presence of God?” Almost in unison they shouted, “Yes, we feel him!” He asked again, “Do you feel the Presence of God?” Once again, they responded with even greater emphasis, “Yes, we feel him!”
The pastor looked at them quietly for a few seconds, as they looked back at him in anticipation of what he would say next. And then he said slowly and deliberately in matter of fact tone, “I---don’t--- feel--- him,” and after what seemed like an eternity, the old minister added, “but I know he is here.”
There are times in our lives when we may not feel the Presence of God. Think about those times you prayed that a loved one would be healed, and instead, they died; or those passionate prayers you have offered for years that seem to have fallen on deaf ears. Think about those struggles you endured that left you questioning the existence of God, the power of God or even the love of God. If someone had asked you then, whether you felt the Presence of God, what would your answer have been?
Nicole C. Mullen sings with deep conviction, “Well, I know my Redeemer lives….” Feelings are overrated and undependable. Knowledge of God’s character is the key to peace, joy and contentment in Christ. Jesus may not have felt God’s Presence in the garden or on the Cross, but God was there, orchestrating the plan that would set humanity free from eternal damnation. If you find yourself in an overwhelming situation today and you don’t feel him, know that he is there, working behind the scenes to set you free from the shackles that bind you because his word says, even in the valley of the shadow of death, his rod and staff, bring comfort.
Loving Father, I know you live! Even when I don’t feel you, I choose to trust you. Take full control of all the circumstances of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.