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The Lion of Judah

Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed.

Revelation 5:5

A few years ago, my son and I visited the Nairobi Game Reserve in Kenya, where we came across all kinds of animals, among them the magnificent lion.  We noted that there were four lions laying idly on rocks, seemingly unaware of the crowds mulling around the fenced enclosures with camera’s.  I remember, having a tightness in my stomach, the result of the nerves that gripped me at being that close to such a powerful animal.  I held tightly to my son’s tiny hand, so that he would not go too close to the fence surrounding the lions.  Deep inside, I knew that despite the fence, my internal system was tuned to “RUN!”

You see, despite the mild nature of those lions, I knew they were dangerous creatures.  I had been taught in elementary school, that lions are the king of the jungle.  One roar is enough to send a whole village diving for cover.  An encounter with a lion is often fatal.  The lion fears nothing, but is feared by everyone.  Even the other animals know their place in the presence of a lion.  And that morning, I knew my place in that National Reserve.

The Bible refers to Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5).  Often, he may seem as though he is doing absolutely nothing.  There may be times when he may appear to be absent or even harmless.  There are those who mock him as a figment of the imagination of people with weak minds; others consider him not as LORD, but as one of the many gods that they can choose to worship.  Even his arrival on this earth as a baby, has led many to believe that he is harmless and the crowds at the cross mocked him, because he seemed defeated.  And there might be times in your life when you wonder, “Why is he so quiet, so ineffective;  Why can’t he do something!!!!”  Perhaps that time is now.

I want you to know dear friend, that in the presence of the Lion of Judah, the enemy knows his place.  His internal system is tuned to "RUN" at the presence of the Lord.  The enemy knows more than you do, about the King of Heaven.  The enemy understands that the Lion of Judah has already prevailed; that at his name, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is LORD.  Satan is not fooled when Christ appears mild-mannered, instead he is terrified!  And he is terrified of you too because he knows of the power that lives in you; power that caused Jesus to rise from the grave.  Today, take up your authority in Jesus Christ and declare to the enemy God’s promises for your life.  And as you do, listen carefully to the sounds of victory as the Lion of Judah roars for you.  And let that roar remind you he has already prevailed on your behalf in any situation you are facing, or will ever face.

Loving God, thank you for the victory I have in you.  Thank you for the reminder that the battle is not mine, but yours.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.