For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him, the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 1:20
One afternoon two little girls were playing in the sand, when one said to the other, “I have 50 cents.” The second girl responded skeptically, “I don’t think you do.” The first girl clutched her fist tightly saying insisting, “I certainly do.” So the second girl, challenged her, “Open up your fist, let me see your fifty cents.” The first girl opened her fist slowly, while the other girl peered at her palm. Suddenly she squealed, “I knew it, you only have 25 cents!” Without missing a beat, the first girl replied, “You only see 25 cents, but I have 50 cents. You see when my dad left for work this morning, he promised that upon his return he would give me another 25 cents and my daddy does not lie.”
The Bible is filled with the promises of God. There are more than 3573 promises in all. That’s at least 10 promises for each day of the year. God’s promises are able to permeate every sphere of our lives. In fact, they are ours through Jesus Christ. You and I may not always experience the wealth and the depth of these promises because of our inability to comprehend such a deep mercy and love but they are available for each one of us by faith. Sometimes we just have to wait while God perfects our character so that we are able to receive these promises with the right attitude. Like the little girl in the story, waiting solidifies our trust in God, our Father, who is not a man that he should lie.
You may be struggling right now or you may be anxious and uncertain. Whatever your situation, God has specific promises for you, most of all that through him, you may have abundant life (John 10:10). The nay-sayers and the haters may challenge your belief and trust in God; the enemy may cloud your mind with doubt; those close to you may be skeptical about your faith, but you just hold on tightly to his promises for you in Christ Jesus for they are “Yes and Amen.” God will do just as he has promised. In the meantime, walk by faith and not by sight because your God is a promise keeping God.
Father in heaven, I thank you that you are a God who fulfills all your promises. Today I choose to walk by faith, believing that your promises for me are already accomplished in Jesus Christ, my Savior. As I walk in faith, make me an encourager of those whose faith is weak, so that they too may walk in your promises. Amen!