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Alpha and Omega

“It is done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.”

Revelations 21:6

Happy New Year!  2016 is gone and 2017 is here.  Praise the name of the Lord, God Almighty, who allowed us to cross over.  Last night, many excited people stayed up to celebrate the New Year.  They did so with food, with alcohol, with pulsating lights and with loud, throbbing music. In some cases, they did so with superstitious rituals and practices.  In Times Square, New York, many gathered to see the crystal ball fall to signal the start of 2017.  But if you go by this morning, they are sweeping up the broken crystals and the confetti and putting all the pieces in huge trash bags even as they look forward to next year.  All that excitement though intense, was just temporary.  The pulsating energy from the masses of humanity has morphed into hangovers, extreme exhaustion and trash.  That’s all that’s left as many ponder what a new administration will bring to America and to the world; as many ponder what a New Year will bring to their lives.

God, the Holy One of Israel is seated high on his throne enshrined by his holy angels.  His word is true and it is trustworthy.  He is the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End.  His work is finished.  It has been established through the completed work of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  So, 2017 should elicit excitement in every believer.  The Light has come and it is getting closer and brighter.  The return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is one year closer.  Our Glorious God, our Beautiful Savior and our Excellent King is even now establishing a New Heaven and a New Earth through Jesus Christ; a New Earth where there will no longer be any weeping, dying or mourning.  He will purify this New Heaven and New Earth and purge it of all evil.  There will no longer be any broken crystals or trash or wondering what the future might bring because he has already established the future.

Instead, God Himself will dwell among his people.  He will be in relationship with those who seek after him.   He will be their God and they will be his people.  We do not need to fear any horses or chariots that may be bearing down on us.  We do not need to be afraid of dark beasts and other creatures looming in the shadows.  He has parted the waters through his Son, Jesus Christ and we can safely cross over to 2017 with full confidence that in him, we will find the peace we need (Psalm 46:1-3).  So, let 2017 be a year of worship, of witness and of harvest as you prepare the way for the soon Returning King.  Tell all your friends and family, “The Light is here!” and whoever is thirsty can come to Him for water from the spring of life.   Let them know that they too can inherit God’s blessing and peace for 2017 and for all eternity.

May the New Year bring you renewed vitality as you abide in Him and He in you.  He was, He is and He is to come.  Amen.