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Invincible God!

And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.

Isaiah 54: 16b-17a

Joshua faced the enemy with courage at the Walls of Jericho because the Lord, prior to the onset of battle, had delivered Jericho into his hands, along with its king and its fighting men (Joshua 6:2).  No hurdle or roadblock is too great for God.  Elijah faced down the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah with unshakeable confidence, because the God of his ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel was still the same God he believed in.  And just as he had rendered victory in the past, he would render victory now (I Kings 18: 36-38).  No opposition, great or small, can deter God’s purposes for you.  Nehemiah took on the formidable task of rebuilding Jerusalem’s Walls (walls that had been broken down for 100 years) because he trusted in this same God (Nehemiah 1: 4-11).  Nehemiah had no leadership ability to lean on, neither did he have wall building expertise, but with God on his side, supplying all the resources he needed, he rebuilt Jerusalem’s Walls in 52 days!  This same Lord will accomplish all his plans through you if you are willing.  And Daniel knelt quietly praying in the lion’s den, because he knew that the God he served would protect him; and he did by shutting the mouths of the lions (Daniel 6:13-22).  No threat, can stop God from accomplishing his will for you.  And lastly, when the crowds and the Pharisees accused him, and hurled insults at him, Jesus did not utter a mumbling word because he knew God would have the final say.  He knew vengeance belonged to God and he would repay every offence in his time (Romans 12:19).

Rejoice and be glad believer, for the Lord is on your side.  Satan roams to and fro like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8); he roams across the earth wreaking havoc, but even he in under the Lord’s authority (1 Job 12).  Therefore, be courageous!  No matter what the challenge, task, test or situation you are facing may look like or feel like, the writer of the first letter of John 4:4 declares this about you, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”  The Spirit of the one who is in you is greater than the spirit of the devourer because the Spirit of the one who is in you has overcome sin and death, and any kind of test you might face today, tomorrow or in the distant future.

So, stand!  And after you have stood the test, stand yet again in him.

Loving God, raise up your hedge of protection around me today.  Keep me safe in the shelter of your wings.  By faith, I believe, this battle is not mine, it is yours.  Have your way in my life and give me unshakeable confidence in you, because your ways are not my ways, your thoughts not my thoughts.  I commit the outcome of my situation entirely to you, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

It's Decision Time!

So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Revelations 3:16

I love tea (In Kiswahili “chai” = water+ milk + tea leaves+ spices+ sugar) with the same passion that many Americans love coffee.  Growing up in Kenya, I got used to drinking steaming hot tea every day.  It was always hot, never cold.   And so, as I was walking around a local store in Grand Rapids recently, I saw a sign inviting guests to try some “chai.”  Curious to find out whether it tasted the same as the tea I was used to, I took a sample cup, brought it to my lips and then wished I hadn’t.  The tea was lukewarm, and lacked the rich aroma and texture I had anticipated, and remembered from my past.  In fact, the tea nauseated me.  Perhaps you’ve had a similar experience with some food or beverage.

Speaking to the Church in Laodicea, God offers a stern rebuke of their spiritual condition.  He calls them “lukewarm.”  They were neither here nor there.  At least cold would imply they were refreshing, and hot would signify some passion.  This church was neither; they were lukewarm and because of their “sit on the fence” brand of faith, God found them nauseating and was about to spit them out of his mouth.  This is a dire warning that they are about to lose their heavenly blessings.  Repentance (a complete about turn) is the only way back to intimacy with God.  Friend, how is your walk with God?  Are you hot?  Are you cold?  Are you lukewarm?  Do you please or nauseate God?  Do you need to repent?

My experience with a lukewarm cup of tea did not interfere with my love for tea.  I still love a hot cup of aromatic tea.  Likewise, God’s temporary nausea does not change his love for you.  His love for you is eternal.  Finding intimacy with him is a different story.  Intimacy is not achieved by routine religiosity but by a heart that is passionately seeking to be in relationship with him; a heart that desires to be in his will.  A lukewarm state can be eliminated by a simple decision, …repentance.  Repentance heats up humanity’s relationship with God.  Repentance takes you from lukewarm to hot!  Repentance assures intimacy with God and all the accompanying blessings of heaven.

Today, God stands at the door and knocks; do you hear him?  Will you open the door or will you continue to straddle the fence?  Are you living the life he sacrificed his life for?  So, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts….”

Loving and merciful Savior, forgive me for honoring you with my lips and yet living a life that is far from you.  I know you sent the Holy Spirit to help me live a life that is bold; a life that brings you glory.  Take control over me today, and help me walk in your will.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Tell it to Jesus

When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” And then she said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you to do.”

John 2:3&5

It was the third day of celebrations at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, when disaster loomed, the wine ran out.  This would have been a disaster and embarrassment for the couple, but Mary, the mother of Jesus, knew what to do.  She immediately told Jesus about the problem, “They have no more wine,” she said, and because she told the right person the problem was solved.  Jesus performed his first miracle by turning the water to wine, revealing his glory and causing the disciples to believe in him.

Friend, are you facing a problem today?  Do you know that Jesus wants to intervene in your situation too?  Just as he could change the water the water to wine, he is able to turn your circumstances around.  He can give you beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3).  Scripture instructs you to, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7).  God does care for you and his ear is inclined towards you (Ps. 31:2; 166:2). So, tell it all to Jesus.  Don’t tell it to your dog or cat, spouse or friend; go to Jesus first.  Avert embarrassment, disaster, unnecessary pain and isolation by going to the right person.  Name the problem plainly, tell him the wine has run out of your marriage, your job, your friendship or even your health.  Let the glory of God be revealed through your life so that others might believe.

And whatever he tells you to do, do it (John 2:5).  Naaman, the army commander of Aram, had to obey a seemingly ridiculous command, when the prophet Elisha asked him to go and dip himself in the Jordan seven times (2 Kings 5:14).  Despite his social stature, Naaman obeyed.  And again, in Genesis 12: 1, God says to Abraham, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”  And Abraham left his kindred and his homeland to go to a land that he did not know.  In obedience, you will find favor.  In obedience, you will find your breakthrough.  In obedience, you will experience the transforming power of the Lord in your life.

Heavenly Father, I come to your throne today and lay my burdens at your feet.  I believe that you have the power to transform my troubles into joy.  Speak to me, your servant is listening.  Let me know what you want me to do.  In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.

Pray for Mothers

"Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise--"so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."

Ephesians 6:2-3

God created the family unit and gave mothers a unique role in it, starting with Eve.  But Eve showed us that for all the well-deserved accolades we give them, mothers are only human.  In the rough and tumble of an unforgiving world, Eve failed the test when she was tempted (Genesis 3:6) and she experienced heartbreak and sorrow when one of her sons murdered the other (Genesis 4:8).  Mothers, like everyone else, need God to help them and guide them as they raise their children and care for their families.

While millions celebrate Mother’s Day, there will be others weeping for the mothers who failed them, the mothers who didn’t come through, the mothers who put themselves first and the mothers who are absent.  The one thing constant in all these situations, whether of joy or of sorrow, is the presence of a loving God who will never leave nor forsake his children. 

So, on this Mother’s Day, pray for mothers, that they will keep Christ first in their lives, so they can be the women God intended them to be.  Pray that with Christ in the lead, they will be able to resist the temptations that come their way.  Pray also, that they will be able to endure the heartbreaks and the sorrow that come from being human.

God’s command says, “honor your …and mother, that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy a long life on earth.”  There are cases where this may come naturally, praise him for the gift of your mother.  But there may be cases where this is not easy to do.  Keep Christ first, then ask for his grace and guidance so you can handle this test as it should be handled.  Then rest in Him and rely on Him for comfort and consolation.

Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over me.  Bless mothers everywhere and bless my mother, that she may be strengthened as a Christian woman. Let the example of her faith and love shine forth.  Grant me a heart that will honor her always with a spirit of profound respect because it is your will.  Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Wait for the Helper

I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay (wait) in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high."

Acts 1:4

Our world is teeming with information.  At the touch of a button, google and other search engines can spew out any information you want.  One has be very careful of course, because truth is often mixed in with myth.  But there is abundant information on the internet and in the libraries for those who seek it.  As we enter the Christian arena, the temptation to rely on our own research and understanding can be tempting.  The tendency to run ahead, plan and design our own “perfect” or “excellent” paths in ministry seems to come easily.  God’s plan was to have us wait.  He leads; we follow.  Without the Spirit’s leading and without his life- giving breath; all we have are dead sermons, dead works, dead worship, dead ministries and dead churches (Isaiah 64:6; Matthew 15:8).

As Jesus prepared to leave this earth, he made special arrangements for his disciples.  He said to them, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. (John 14: 16-17 ESV).  As children of God we have a helper (advocate).  We know him by faith through Jesus Christ.  He is there to aid in every area of our lives.  He is there to lead.  All we need to do is wait (actively desire and seek him), then follow. 

Jesus goes on to say, In John 16:13: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.  How do we discern this truth?  By waiting.  And this is what the disciples were doing in the upper room.  They were waiting for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, they were anxiously desiring, expecting and waiting for power from on high.  Those disciples were not going to take one step, until they had received that promised power.

The promise of a Helper was not just for those original disciples, but for you too.  The Holy Spirit is still God’s assigned counselor who is ready to lead and guide God’s children into God’s truth.  We should not take one step without him.  Are you desiring; are you expecting; are you waiting or are you self-reliant?  The devil doesn’t want you to know this because he knows that when you are imbued with power from on high, you will never be the same.  You will know the truth and will be ready to follow and do exploits.  Don’t go another day without cultivating the discipline of waiting.  God’s chosen Helper is here and he is ready to guide you. Are you ready to welcome him?

Come, Holy Spirit, I need you; Come, sweet Spirit, I pray,

Come in your strength and your power, Come in your own gentle way.

Heritage Singers (Album: Restored)

The Touch of Jesus

When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”

Mark 5:27-28

There was a large crowd that followed Jesus, pressing around him.  The crowds, you will notice, always get in the way.  But the woman in this story was desperate and nothing would stop her.  She needed the master’s touch and she was going to get it.  She had suffered greatly for 12 years with an issue of blood. A condition that back then would have ostracized her.  She had been subject to mistreatments by many physicians and had lost all the money she had while trying to seek treatment, only to get worse.

Jesus was her last resort and when she heard about him, she believed simply touching his clothes would heal her.  So, she came up behind him and touched his cloak.  When she did, immediately the fountain of blood dried up and she was healed.  At that point she probably thought that she could sneak off, but Jesus sensed that power had gone out of him intentionally and so he asked, “Who touched me? (Mark 5:31)”

 Because she was willing to touch Jesus, this woman was healed.  Jesus honored her faith and granted total healing. She could then return “in peace,” freed from her emotional, physical, and spiritual suffering.

Friend, Jesus heals.  Whatever it is that you are going through, he can transform that situation for your good and for his glory.  You do not need to suffer under the burden you are carrying anymore.  What are you willing to do to experience his touch?  What crowds stand in your way?  The same power that was available for this woman is available for you.  It is within your reach, but you must grab ahold of it.  However, there are two conditions that must be met for this healing to take place.  First, you must be convinced of your need; and secondly you must be convinced of his power.  Our Lord Jesus stands ready to touch you and heal you today but you must show up and reach out.

Father in Heaven, I need you today.  Touch those areas of my life that are broken and messed up with your healing touch.  I believe you have the power to transform my pain in joy, my anxiety into peace and my doubt into faith.  Today, I am grabbing the hem of your garment, heal me I pray, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Give Him Thanks and Praise

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his mercies endure forever.

Psalm 107:1

When did you last dedicate time to simply give thanks to God?  When did you last challenge yourself, to disconnect from everyone and everything and to just be in his presence alone?  When did you last turn off the chatter and the noise, to keenly listen for his voice?

In this human life, that’s punctuated by failure and disappointment, it can be tempting to imagine that the road back to God’s grace is too far.  One can assume that God’s mercies are cut off.

In a world that’s filled with a million reasons to complain, it is easy to focus on minutiae, on what’s not working, on what’s missing and on what’s irritating us.  Yet in the middle of this same world is a God, who is good, and whose mercies endure forever.

The children of Israel discovered that even when they were hostile to God, and their decisions caused them to wander in the desert, God’s mercies never left them.  His superintending providence always brought them back home.  For this reason, they never ceased to give him praise and thanksgiving, and neither should we.

This week, deliberately cultivate an attitude of gratitude for everything you encounter.  Know that the Lord is good and his mercies towards you endure forever.  Believe that even when the decisions you make are hostile to him, his nature towards you does not change and his lovingkindness will constantly beckon you to come back home.

Don’t ask for things, and don’t complain just give him thanks and praise at every opportunity, for he is good and his mercies endure forever.

Loving God, thank you for loving me, and for constantly wooing me to yourself.  I praise you O LORD, for there is none like you.  Thank you for your tender mercies which endure forever.  Today, I honor you for who you are, God Almighty!  Amen.

Extravagant Love

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

John 11: 25-16

Jesus was speaking to Martha when he made this extravagant declaration, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die."  He assures Martha that Lazarus, her brother, will be raised to life.  He promises that those who die will be raised to life again in him, and then he adds, that whoever, lives by believing in him will never die.   This is a radical and extravagant promise, one that might be hard for many to believe, but it’s true.

Here’s the promise of Easter, Christ is the resurrection and the life.  He has done it all.  Believers are made righteous in him and through him.  It is a gift freely given.  There is nothing you can do to earn it and there is nothing you can do to lose it.  The cross has changed everything!

As Cody Carnes puts it in his song, “The Cross Has the Final Word”

The cross has the final word

Evil may put up its strongest fight

But the cross has the final word.

Rejoice and be glad this Easter that nothing can separate you from the love of Christ.  He who was without sin, became sin for us, becoming obedient even unto death on the cross.  God, sparing nothing, gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as the ultimate sacrifice for our sin and we are now made righteous in and through him.

As you celebrate the resurrection, take time to meditate on him, and on his love.  Love that held fast through the agony of betrayal; through the loneliness of the garden of Gethsamane;  through the torture and humiliation of the long climb to Golgotha; and  through the excruciating agony of the crucifixion even unto death. 

But even death could not keep him down.  On the third day, he burst forth from the grave, conquering sin and death with one final blow.  Now he lives and he promises that those who live believing in him will never die—Hallelujah!

 Do you believe this?  The promise is for you too, no matter what others might say and no matter what the enemy might whisper, this promise is for all who live by believing in Him.  Take time to celebrate this rare extravagant gift that he has given you.

Almighty God, there is none like you.  Thank you for paying the ultimate price for my freedom.  Help me, by the power of your spirit, to live a life that honors and celebrates this gift of love.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Rest in Him

By the seventh day God had finished his work.  On the seventh day, he rested from all his work.  God blessed the seventh day.  He made it a Holy Day, because on that day, he rested from his work, all the creating God had done.

Genesis 2:2

For six days, God labored creating this earth out of a formless void.  He called out the light from the dark, the sky from the water, he named the heavens and separated it from the earth, he created the stars, the plants, creatures of the land, sea and air, he created man and then woman.  And after all this creating activity, God Almighty relaxed.  It was the Sabbath day.  And would you know, the world did not miss a beat.  It kept humming along, because it was created by God.

In the Old Testament, we find the Israelites observing God’s Sabbath.  They rested because God had commanded them to keep the Sabbath Holy.  This was a test of their faith at a time when they felt that they ought to work harder, God required them to rest.  On the Sabbath, they had to rest and wholly rely on God’s activity, and by doing so, they learned a very important lesson.  They learned that even when they were not working, God was working on their behalf, God was getting things done.

Life in the 21st Century is a flurry of activity.  We have forgotten what it means to rest.  We work seven days a week, we burn the candle on both ends, we flit from job to job, and on the Sabbath Day, we mow our lawns, we clean our homes, we ferry our children to their sports tournaments and attend to a myriad of other things “which cannot wait.”  We have forgotten what it means to observe the Sabbath, we have forgotten to do what God did.  We have denied ourselves the experience of learning what it feels like to have the LORD God Almighty working on our behalf.

Harriet Crosby, a former teacher, preacher and missionary once observed, “Resting in God is what trusting in God feels like.”  It is hard to rest, when there is so much work to be done and yet this is the essence of trust.  It is the ability to fully rely on God, when all the human senses tell you otherwise.  It is the habit of resting, that ultimately helps us cultivate a deeper reliance on God.

Today, God has set you free from the tyranny of a seven-day work week.  He has personally shown you how to relax from your labor.  He has blessed the Sabbath and given it to you as a gift.  It is one of the most important gifts you’ll ever have.  It’s a gift that will nurture you physically, spiritually and mentally.  Trust him and know that even when you are not working, things are getting done.  And as you rest from your labor, meditate on him and on his word.

Father, remind me again that you are at the helm.  Remind me again, that without you, I would be nowhere; I would be nothing.  Teach me to trust in you; teach me to rest in you.  And as I rest, God I believe you will be working on my behalf.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Something Hidden

And the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. 

Genesis 2:7

Every day of our lives we walk by people who may seem inconsequential to us.  Our culture has given us certain cues and so we tend to place value judgments on those we meet.  We may meet people who do not appear to have the level of talent, knowledge or experiences that would make them noticeable or famous.  We may even be tempted to brush them off, ignore them or bypass them, and yet God shows us again and again that he is no respecter of persons.  He works his good works through anyone who is willing and available, to achieve his Holy and divine purposes.  This is because God knows something that the rest of us don’t, that in each one of his human creations is something hidden, the image of God (Genesis 1:26a); the breath of God (Genesis2:7) gifts that only he can see because he put them there.

In Genesis 2:7, the Bible records that God formed man out of the dust of the earth (dirt).  Without God, man is but a lowly substance, only fit to be trampled upon.  However, after God breathes into his nostrils, man becomes a living being.  It is God’s breath in man that makes the difference.

So why do we spend the greater part of our lives seeking human approval?  Why are we so caught up in proving ourselves to mere mortals, when the breath of God is in us?  Why do we concern ourselves so much with what people think about us, when God has already declared us to be his children and his friends?

Mary was a simple village girl, David, a mere boy, Joseph was just one of the many sons of Jesse and Rahab, a prostitute, yet God saw something in them that no one else saw. God saw their hidden potential.  God Almighty, who breathed his breath into every one of these biblical characters, saw the gifts that he himself had placed in them and he nurtured those gifts until God’s plan for their lives came to pass.   This same God who breathed into these characters has breathed into your nostrils giving you life.  He sees your hidden potential and says, "it is," even though you are still becoming.  You are not what people say you are.  You are not even what you think you are.  You are only what God made you to be, because he hid something precious in you which will be revealed in his time.  So, quit striving.  Surrender to this truth today and let his will be done in and through you.

Loving Father, thank you for making me in your image.  Help me see myself as you see and make me truly content in what you have made me.  I acknowledge that I am a work in progress. I surrender to your will and to your way, have all of me I pray.  Amen.

Precious, Priceless Fragments

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

Luke 9:17

Jesus had just fed the 5000, and the fragments lay all over the place.  Presumably, he instructed the disciples to pick up all the broken pieces, twelve basketfuls, because these would be used to feed others later.

Dear friend, there are times when our lives may appear shattered.  There are times when the experiences you go through may leave you feeling worthless, broken, forgotten and irrelevant.  The story of the feeding of the 5000, should remind you that “useless” is not part of God’s vocabulary.  It never has been and it never will be.

No matter how you may “feel” today, God is with you and he desires to pick up the brokenness of your life and weave it into a beautiful testimony that will feed the ears and hearts of all who hear your story of faith during this broken season.  Your story is not over, it’s only just beginning.

Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit (Genesis 37:24), and probably thought they had seen the last of him.  Perhaps they imagined that they had rid themselves of the family upstart, the favorite son.  Joseph himself may have wondered if that was the end; after all it was dark and lonely in the pit.  The knowledge that his own brothers had betrayed must have been painful.  But things get worse.  Joseph gets out of the pit and ends up in Potiphar’s house where he is falsely accused of rape and thrown in prison.  Where was God?

Genesis 39: 21-23 fills in the gap, “But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.  So, the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” Eventually, God took Joseph out of the prison and brought him to Pharaoh’s palace in Egypt, and that’s where his desperate brothers found him.

No matter what happens in your situation, trust that the Lord will be with you even as he was with Joseph.  No matter the outcome, you can count on his unchanging grace.  No matter how broken you may “feel”, and how much you may question the validity of a Sovereign, all powerful God, he will be there to pick up those precious, priceless broken pieces and use them for good because in his hands everything changes; the sick are healed, the anxious find peace, the hungry are fed and the broken are made whole.  I pray that, you will experience release from “prison" as you seek him with all your heart.

Dear heavenly Father, there can be no me without you.  Be the anchor of my life today and every day.  Teach me to lean on you through the broken seasons of my life.  I offer you these shattered pieces believing that only you can make me whole by the power of your Holy Spirit.  I know that even now, your presence and your peace is my palace.  Amen.

Beware the Hiss!

Flee from evil and do good, and dwell forever.

Psalm 37:27

Flight should be the believer’s stance towards evil.  The psalmist advises, flee from evil and do good (Psalm 37:27a) that we might live forever.  But Eve had no idea that danger was lurking around the corner, as she strolled through the beautiful garden of Eden that morning, minding her earthly business.  The “hiss” caught her off guard.  One minute she was probably picking fruit and admiring the flowers and the next, she hears the hiss, “Did God really say… (Genesis 3:1)?”  If Eve, had turned and fled at this point, there would be no story, and quite likely no fall, but she made a drastic mistake, she engaged the crafty serpent in conversation and that was her downfall. His venom was more than she could handle and before long, she was ensnared and had taken Adam, her husband, with her too.

Dear friend, as you go about your earthly business, Satan roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour (Job 1:7).  The hiss is constant and it comes from many unlikely places.  Sometimes it’s popular opinion or the persuasions of a friend.  Like a dripping tap, the assault is persistent.  Did God really say that we must worship him with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our soul?  Did God really say that we must love our neighbor and pray for our enemy?  Did God really say that we must forgive seventy times seven times?  Did God really say that we must walk in purity and holiness?  Did God really say….?”

Jesus shows you how to respond to the constant hiss of the enemy.  When the enemy comes out to tempt him in the wilderness (Luke 4: 1-13), Jesus, the Son of God, responds with God’s word, “It is written….”  The serpent tempts him three times and Jesus sticks to the same game plan three times.  The word, the word, the word.  Not popular belief; not opinion.  Just the written word of God.  It works every time.  Unable to withstand God’s truth, the Bible says, “Satan left him temporarily, lying in wait for another opportunity (Luke 4:13).”

The psalmist declares, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path (Psalm 119:107). And the writer of the first letter of Peter (1 Peter 5:8) says, “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  As you go about your day today and in the days ahead, let the word of God be your shield.  Every day, Satan’s one agenda is to destroy you, but God is out to protect and preserve you.  Do your part and God will do his part.  Flee from evil, do good that you might dwell forever.  Many believers are being led astray through vain reasoning (Romans 1:21).  But you, be wise, do not engage; do not argue; Satan is a crafty manipulator and knows your weak buttons.  Respond to the hiss with the truth of God’s word and he will flee from you, every time.

Father, your word (Matthew 24:24) reminds me that if you did not shorten the days, even the very elect would be deceived.  Give me heavenly wisdom, that I might hold on to your word to the very end, and give me your love, so that I might share your truth with those you will send my way.  In your Holy name, I pray. Amen.

Be Ye Thankful

Be Ye Thankful!

Where Are the Other Nine?

Luke 17:17

On a recent mission trip to Kenya, I marveled as little children danced excitedly because I had given them some free pencils; on another trip teenage girls screamed with joy because of a financial gift that allowed them to stay in school and receive an education; and in yet another situation old ladies broke into a traditional dance because they had received gifts of sugar and flour.  All these people who live with so little were quick to express deep and unbridled gratitude for the gifts they received.


Gratitude is such a beautiful and rich emotion and yet it doesn’t come easily to us.  We are more likely to complain about what we don’t have, and what’s not working.  But think about all the good and perfect gifts that God has already given to us.  Think about life, health, family, friends, all the basic necessities we need to survive, the abundance of the earth and the priceless relationship we have with our Savior Jesus Christ through the forgiveness of our sins, as well as the freedom to worship our God.  The list of blessings for which we should give thanks is endless.  Certainly, we may experience momentary hardships from time to time, and we may even experience devastating and prolonged challenges, but overall, when we begin to count our blessings in him and through him, we will discover that they far surpass the negative situations we encounter in life.


In the story about the healing of the ten lepers, Luke reports that only one of them returned to give thanks to Jesus.  When this happened, Jesus expressed amazement that only one had returned to thank him.  “Were not all ten cleansed?” he asked.  “Where are the other nine?”  Jesus’ question is rhetorical, and emphasizes the fact that many of us often forget to say, “thank you” for the God-given gifts we receive.  Jesus also noted that the only one who returned to give thanks was a Samaritan, a race despised by the Jewish people.  Isn’t it interesting, that often it is those who have the least in life that seem the most grateful?   Jesus’ response to the one who came back clearly shows that he wants and waits for us to express gratitude.  He waits expectantly for us to return to him with a spirit of gratitude and when we forget to do so, he wonders where we are spiritually even as he wondered about the other nine lepers.

For believers, cultivating thankfulness is a direct command from God (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 105:1; Psalm 118: 1-18; Ephesians 5:20; Colossians 3: 15-17; Philippians 4:6).  A spirit of gratitude honors God and strengthens our faith.  It also strengthens our relationship with other people.  So today ask yourself, how often do I express gratitude to God and to other people?  Is God wondering where you are?  Do your acquaintances know how grateful you are for them?  Meister Eckert, a German theologian once said, “If the only prayer you said was, “Thank you” that would be enough.”

Generous Father, you have promised to withhold no good thing from those who trust in you.  Thank you for your generosity poured out upon me and for all the gifts you have given to me, especially for the gifts of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Thank you for sustaining me through the power of your Spirit and protecting me through the years.  Thank you for meeting all my needs and for guiding my steps through your holy word.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Help me to wake up each day, grateful for what you mean to me.  In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

The Whisper of God

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind, there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.  When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

1 Kings 19:11-13

Real news, fake news, controversial news, shocking and unsettling news, it’s all around us these days.  If you pay close attention to all the goings on you will find yourself saying, “What? What? What did I miss?” in an effort to keep up.  But there is also good news and surprising news flying about just as fast.  And should I mention the endless activities that one must squeeze in as well; extracurricular activities for the children, dinner with a spouse or friends, trips to the store, to the movies or to the latest concert.  Alas! Don’t forget about the daily chores, cooking, cleaning, organizing, car repairs, and home improvement projects; the list is endless.  To encounter God amid all this chaos, one must try to shut out the noise.

Elijah climbs to the top of the mountain to be in the presence of God.  He makes the effort to leave the noise, the clutter and the daily demands of life behind to find meaningful time with his creator.  Elijah does not find God in the wind, in the earthquake, or in the fire.  Instead Elijah encounters God’s presence in a gentle whisper, and covering his face, he goes out to meet God at the mouth of the cave.

Friend, God desires an intimate relationship with you.  He is not an item to be ticked off one’s daily to-do list, but rather, a Father who wants to spend time with his children.  His word says, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded (James 4:8).”  Where are you trying to find the presence of God?  Are you trying to find his presence in the latest mega-church televangelist of the moment, in the big thunderous crusades taking place in your hometown or in the weekly fiery sermons from your local church?  The truth is intimacy with God, does not come from a one-time shattering event or experience, it comes from walking with him, moment to moment; it comes from meditating on his word constantly and learning to distinguish his voice from the rest of the noise.   It comes from walking in obedience, holiness and trust, and seeking him out, knowing that he too is seeking you out.  May you hear his gentle whisper today, as you set yourself apart for him.

Almighty God, amidst the chaos and confusion of this modern life, you are the Good News!  Teach me to distinguish your gentle whisper in the quietness of my heart.  Give me the will to walk worthy of you, and to disconnect from daily distractions so that I may sit at your feet.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

The Burden Bearer

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Psalm 55:22

Life is filled with concerns; some small and some big.  God cares about them all.   It can be tempting to try and tackle these concerns on your own, and there are those who have tried, but you will always come up short.  God, who cares for the birds of the air, that neither sow, or reap or stow in barns (Matthew 6: 25-26), cares even more about you.  God cares so deeply about you that he has even numbered the hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30).  That’s how important you are to him.  He alone, is the burden lifter, the worry destroyer, and the care bearer.

The Psalmist says therefore, “Cast your cares on the LORD….”  In other words, whatever you are up against in life, “hurl it, or throw it all on the LORD.”  Your mind will battle for control, and will tell you to deal with it yourself.  However, the only way God can deal with your situation is for you to relinquish it completely to him.  Do your part, and let the LORD do his part.  It is only when there is no earthly interference, that your Father will send heavenly influence on your situation.

In the Bible, we find others who dealt with their concerns big and small by hurling it all on the LORD.  When Moses and the Children of Israel came face to face with a great body of water and had no place to run, and were completely at the enemy’s mercy, they looked up to heaven, and God parted the waters, making a way for them, where there seemed to be no way.  If you have reached the end of your rope, and feel like there is no way out, look up to the LORD that’s where your help will come from (Psalm 121:1).

In another case, we encounter Elijah in the desert, fleeing for his life, discouraged and defeated because Jezebel was out to kill him (I Kings 19).  But even there in the driest of places, God found him, nourished and nurtured him, and set him back on his feet.  At the point of complete surrender, when Elijah could do nothing more and just wanted to die, God took over.  Elijah cried out to heaven and help arrived just when he needed it.

Beloved, whether you feel like you are drowning under a mountain of concerns or you are exhausted, and dried out from anxiety, fear and stress, cast your burdens on the LORD and let him refresh you.  The Psalmist states, the LORD will sustain you, (keep you going, nurture you, nourish you) because he will never let the righteous be shaken.  The LORD is your burden bearer, so take your hands off the concerns you are carrying, so he can enter your life and do only what he is able to do.

LORD, in the words of the songwriter, Kelly Willard, I pray, “I cast all my cares upon you; I lay all of my burdens down at your feet.  And any time, I don’t know just what to do, I will cast all my cares upon you.”  Thank you for sustaining me.  I know you will never let me be shaken.  Amen.

It is Easy

 This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

1 John 5:4

It is very easy to love the LORD when things are going smoothly.  It is extremely easy to praise his name when your job is going well and you are being recognized, appreciated and promoted.  It is easy to testify to God’s favor when your marriage is strong and your womb is fruitful.  It takes no effort to raise your hands up in the air in worship when your children are excelling in school, choosing the right friends and getting good grades.  It is easy to trust Him and call him a "good Father", when your family ties are strong, and you all get along, and cheer one another on.

But what happens dear friend, when the doctor says, “You have cancer, Alzheimer’s or muscular dystrophy?”   What happens when your spouse cheats on you, abuses you or walks out on you or worse still, comes down with a terminal illness?  What do you do when you are barren and feel condemned to childlessness?  Tell me, how do you cope when your children turn to drugs, make the wrong choices or resort to truancy?  What do you do, when your family system is dysfunctional, when siblings resort to competition and jealousy, secrecy and gossip, anger and unforgiveness and you feel like an orphan?

The writer of the first letter of John reminds us, our faith in Jesus Christ is the victory that overcomes the world (I John 5:4).  Yes, it is easy to trust him when the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing.   It is much more difficult to keep smiling and trusting when the skies turn grey, the thunder rumbles and the rain begins to fall.  It is much harder to call him a "good Father", when we cannot see Him, or hear Him; when your desperate voice sends an echo into a seemingly empty and silent chamber.  But take heart brethren, true faith holds through all the varied seasons of one’s life.  True faith is the anchor that holds despite the storm.  True faith does not depend on circumstance but on the knowledge of the character of a loving God.  This victorious faith is founded on the covenant that God established with those who fear him. True faith holds steady no matter what, because God has declared, "They will be my people, and I will be their God (Jeremiah 32:38)."

So, whatever, you are going through today, whether the skies are clear or grey, let faith in Jesus triumph over those circumstances.  Like Paul and Silas (Acts 16: 25-26), use the chains that bind you to make robust music declaring God’s goodness, mercy, love and majesty.  Let faith drive out doubt and fear and know that whatever you lack, God will supply if you ask by faith, believing His name.  May this triumphant faith, be your portion not only today, but every day of your life.

Dear Father, thank you for reminding me that you are always there for your children.  Give me the strength to trust you, not just when you are near, but also when it seems you are far away.  Remind me that your presence is always with me.  Cultivate in me, a faith that is victorious; a faith that triumphs over every circumstance of my earthly life.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Uniquely YOU!

The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.

1 Samuel 17:37

David, could have stumbled clumsily onto that battlefield wearing Saul’s oversized tunic, but he chose not to do so, and that decision probably saved his life.  Saul was the expert fighter.  He had experience in war and had every right to instruct David, before David stepped into one of the biggest battles of his life.  And even though, to the naked eye, David seemed like an inexperienced young boy who should be home taking care of his father’s sheep, he also had a secret weapon, faith in God.  Faith that must have grown stronger and stronger every time he called upon God to give him victory over the lions and the bears that threatened his father’s sheep.  David knew in his heart, that the same God would be with him in his battle against Goliath.  He says in I Samuel 17:37: “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”  And so, David stepped confidently into that battlefield and moved towards Goliath with nothing more than a stone and a prayer of faith, trusting, not in his own strength and skill, but in the strength of the Almighty God to help him win that battle .  Today, we remember him as the best stone thrower there ever was.

The world is filled with Saul’s who want you to wear one tunic or another.  If it doesn’t fit, don't put it on.  Remove it.  God wants to use you just as you are.  You don’t have to compete with the talented neighbor, or the expert friend.   There’s nothing wrong with them; and there is nothing wrong with you either.  You can’t be them; but you can be the best uniquely gifted you. The same God who has given you victory in the past, is ready and willing to give you victory in the present and in the future.  To the naked eye, you may look inexperienced, naïve, or unprepared, but if you have faith in God, and trust in your heart, you too can take down the Goliath’s that dare taunt you today.  You too can step confidently into the battlefield and slay your giants with faith in your heart, and trust built as you’ve walked in relationship with God.  It's his mission.  You are merely a vessel.

David’s brothers and the army of Israel must have thought, David was doomed.  They were wrong.  Doubtless, there are those who will doubt you, but God says, “Put your trust in me, not in man, or systems or processes, but in my ability to triumph over every situation that threatens you and let me prove the doubters wrong again.”  This same God who gave you victory in the past, wants to give you victory even now.  Take off that clumsy tunic, and be you, just you; uniquely designed, and gifted you.  Then get ready through preparation and prayer, and go forth into battle knowing that your raw, unabashed faith in God, is more than enough for the situations that frighten and challenge you.

Dear Father, give me that simple childlike faith, that trusts you to help me handle any situation that threatens me.  You are my Solid Rock, all other ground is sinking sand.  I relinquish control; I surrender reliance on self.  Take over and lead me.  Amen.

Welcome the Stranger

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:2

As a little girl, whenever I visited my grandparents in the village in Kenya, I was amazed to see how generous they were.  They did not just feed their own large family that lived in the homestead.  But whenever, a stranger went by the house in the daytime and the family was having lunch, my grandmother would invite them in for a meal or for a glass of water.  On more than one occasion the stranger took up the offer.  It was a wonderful thing to see a total stranger joining the family for a meal and conversation and before they left to continue on their journey, a firm friendship was formed.  My grandparents were not rich people, but they never lacked food or friends either.  Their home was always brimming with both.   I would like to believe, that God rewarded their generosity by meeting their every need according to his riches in Christ Jesus.

These are fear-filled and troubling times.  Many people are looking for answers and for direction.  For the believer, that compass is always the word of God.  The days are not as innocent as they once were, and one must exercise caution, but God’s word is clear, welcome the stranger (Deut. 10:19; Heb. 13:1; Romans 12:13).  God instructs the children of Israel saying, “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 19:34).”

Abraham and Sarah welcomed the three visitors by the Oak of Mamre.  After showering the visitors with hospitality, they received good news, that even in their old age, God was going to bless them with a child and Abraham would become father of a great nation (Genesis 18: 1-19).  The widow of Zarephath, welcomed Elijah.  She used her last supply of flour and oil to make him a meal.  She did this with the full knowledge that she and her son were going to die of hunger.  She too, received good news as a consequence of her generosity, Elijah announced to her that her jar of flour would never run out and her jug of oil would never run dry.

As Christians, we do not give to get.  We give because Christ has given us so much.  We give because Christ's love compels us.  We give because we have nothing of our own, only that which Christ has given us.  Today, God wants us to welcome the stranger with love, kindness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, shelter, food, clothing and so much more.  The world is afraid, and is screaming, “Keep the stranger out!”  Jesus says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13:2).  Know this, that whatsoever, we do for the stranger, good or bad, we do unto Jesus himself.  There are two choices here.  One is easy and the other is tough, which one will you pick?

Dear Father, the closed fist cannot receive your blessing. Thank you for showing me, by your death on the cross, what it means to give it all away.  Now guide me by the power of your spirit to the stranger who needs your blessing and then give me the courage to obey you.  Amen.


Light Defeats the Darkness

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20

Beloved, do you hear it?  Can you sense it?  Tick-tock-tick-tock, time is running out and it’s time to pick a side or you’ll be swept by the tide.  I know this sounds dramatic, but it’s true.  We are living in a time of great confusion.  Where truth has become a lie, and lies have become truth.  Imagine you are driving down the highway, and you miss an exit, next you find yourself driving down unpaved roads, uncertain of where you are and wondering how to get back to where you were.  Do you know that feeling?  I thought so.  You see, this turn of events in our world didn’t just happen in an instant, it began a long time ago.  It happened gradually, and incrementally, when humanity decided it was time to take our eyes off the map, and just cruise along on one unfamiliar road, and then another.  Maybe it was the voices on the radio, or the incessant chatter of the passenger in the next seat, or perhaps it was the scenery.  Whatever the distraction, we have lost our way, and there is only one way back, we need the map.

Isaiah warns that judgment is coming upon those who call evil good and good evil; for those who exchange darkness for light and light for darkness; for those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.  Do you find yourself wondering about the goings on of the world today?  Do you see humankind slapping labels where they don’t belong?  Have you noticed how many people peddle evil for good and good for prude?  Have you found yourself wondering, “Did I miss something?”  Well, wonder no more, it’s all in the map.  2 Timothy 3: 1-5 (KJV) reminds us that: “This know also, that in the last day’s perilous times shall come.  For men, shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn, away.

Isaiah also prophesies hope for the people of God.  As darkness begins to cover the earth, the Lord will rise upon his people and his glory will appear over them.  Nations will be drawn to their light, and kings to the brightness of their dawn (Isaiah 60: 2-3).  This was true for Zion and is also true for you today.  Believer, stay the course; keep your eyes on the map; turn away from evil.  His word alone is a lamp for your feet, a light for your path (Psalm 119:105).  Don’t go by the news on the radio, in many cases it’s no news at all; don’t go by anyone’s opinion either, that’s the incessant chatter; and don’t fall for the scenery, the crowds, the marches, the boisterous noisemakers, instead go directly to the map, the trusted and trustworthy, unchanging word of the Living God, who was, who is and who is to come.  In quietness of trust is your strength (Isaiah 30:15b).  As darkness covers the earth, God himself will rise among his people and his glory will become evident to the whole earth.  Hallelujah!

 Almighty God, what an incredible gift it is to know that you care for me.  That I am not only redeemed, but I am your child and your friend.  Thank you for inviting me to participate in your story.  May the light of your presence guide and guard my life as I walk in the shadow of your truth.  Amen.

Guard Your Heart

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4: 23

This week’s Bible verse addresses matters of the heart. Solomon says, “above all else, guard your heart, because it is the well spring of life.” In scripture, the word “heart” occurs over 1000 times, so we know it has an important role in our well-being.  We know that when the heart stops beating, we die.  But what happens when the heart is infected by sin?  Scripture treats the heart as the core of one’s humanity.  It is central to our moral, emotional, intellectual and spiritual substance.  Even the prophet Jeremiah notes, "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked (not just wicked, but desperately so). Who really knows how bad it is (NLT: Jeremiah 17:9)?

Cain’s murderous thoughts began in his heart and resulted in his murdering his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8).  David’s adulterous thoughts began in his heart.  He saw with his eyes, and that gave birth to desire in his heart.  Desire gave birth to adultery (2 Samuel 11: 4) and adultery ultimately gave birth to the murder of Uriah (2 Samuel 11:16).  Sin often enters through the eyes, but percolates in the heart before it is acted upon.

Friend, what are you looking at?  What books, movies, magazines, text messages are you looking at and forwarding to others?  Are you struggling with a besetting sin and wondering how you got there and why it is so difficult to kick the habit?  Trace your steps back to what you allowed your eyes to dwell on.  The Psalmist declares, “I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar.  I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them (NLT: Psalm 101:3).”  God calls us to be holy, even as he is holy (1 Peter 1:16).  We can only do this by inviting the Holy Spirit to come in and guard our heart.  Everything we do, good and bad flows from the heart.  That’s a sobering thought.  With the proliferation of pornography and indecency in our world today, it is important to be on guard and to shield our eyes, hearts and minds from filth, because once filth enters the eyes, it’s a slippery downhill slope.

Dear Lord, you are a holy God who will not inhabit a filthy vessel.  Stand guard at my heart, that I might not sin against you.  Give me heavenly wisdom that will help me reject that which does not glorify you.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.