Esther's Hope Ministries

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Path to Greatness

If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.

Mark 9:35b

Greatness----It’s something we all yearn for, strive for, grasp at, and jostle each other for from the cradle to the grave.  Ask a group of little children, “Who wants to go first?”  and you will hear that unmistakable chorus of shrill voices chime out, “Me!  Me! Me! Me!”  We learn early, to compete and defeat and secure that coveted position at the top of the human pile.

It is no wonder therefore that on the road to Capernaum, after Peter’s great revelation regarding Jesus’ identity (Mark 8:29), all that the disciples could do was succumb to their base selfish human nature; they began to argue about who was the greatest.  Each disciple put their own interest above the others and as tempting as it would be to judge them, we cannot, because they are us.  It is 2021 and many centuries have passed since that reported argument, and we humans (including modern day disciples of Jesus) are still arguing about who is the greatest even as we journey towards our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Jesus addresses this dispute saying, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all (Mark 9:35b).”  The word “servant” comes from the Greek word “diakonos” from which we get the word “deacon,” meaning “one who serves others.”  Jesus demonstrates what service means in so many ways, but most of all by giving up his life so that humanity might be saved.

So, as you go about this new week, ask yourself daily, “How can I be a deacon for Christ today?”  Humble service -----It’s the only way to achieve greatness in God’s Kingdom.  It’s the only way to achieve true joy and fulfilment in life.  It’s the proven path to our heavenly inheritance in Jesus Christ.  Have a truly blessed and countercultural week as you serve God’s people wherever you are.

Sovereign Lord, thank you for serving up your life for my sake.  Now open my eyes that I may see opportunities to serve others in your name.  Amen!