Esther's Hope Ministries

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All Authority...

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…

 Matthew 28:18-19a

Prior to his departure into heaven, Jesus took his disciples to a mountain in Galilee and gave them instructions on how they were to conduct themselves in his absence (the period between his departure from earth and his return to claim his bride (the church).  Jesus began this speech with the words, "All authority...."  Not some authority or most authority but "all authority…." 

Every servant knows that it is important to heed their master.  Jesus is the Master here, and we are his servants (Matthew 25:14-30).  The late missionary, Charles Thomas Studd (1860-1931), once penned a poem that challenges us to consider the only worthy way to use the life that God has given us.  The poem partially reads:

...Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only, what's done for Christ will last."

 How are you using your life and by what or whose authority do you serve the world?  Will your efforts yield temporal or eternal results (1 Corinthians 3:13)?  Are you serving the one with "all authority..." or are you serving someone else, perhaps yourself?  Composer John H. Sammis wrote the hymn, "Trust and Obey" which assures us that there is no other way to experience true joy in Jesus Christ, than to trust and obey.  Jesus gave clear instructions on how his disciples (which includes all who profess faith in him), were to occupy the time between his departure and his return.  On the basis of his divine authority, he commanded, “Go and make disciples of all nations….”  

 If every Christian in our nation heeded Christ’s command and discipled just one person in the faith, there would be at least 200 million new believers annually in this nation.  Believers who would in turn eventually disciple other new believers.  Imagine how impactful the church would be.  We would flavor this nation, not with picketing, aggression and disunity but with the aroma of Jesus Christ.  As we begin this new week, let us consciously purpose to serve no one else, other than the one who has "all authority..." Jesus himself, and may he find us faithfully making disciples when he returns.  Have a blessed and joyous week!

 Loving Father, I confess that I have not taken the call to make disciples seriously.  I have gone to church and done religious things, but I have inadvertently ignored your command.  Forgive me LORD.  Fill me with your Spirit and give me the courage to share the gospel with those who do not know you.  Then give me a heart of compassion, so that I may disciple at least one person in the faith each year of my life.