Esther's Hope Ministries

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Confident Effective Faith

“He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.”

Psalm 102: 26-27

 Faith, someone has said, is taking God at his word.  It is a holy reaction to the wondrous words of God.  It is knowing and trusting God’s word and believing he will do what he says he will do.  That same faith, “comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)”. 

Jesus had to leave the region of Tyre, and travel deep into the region of the Decapolis to meet the two men in this story; one was deaf and the other mute; both conditions present a significant communication barrier.  Jesus’ movement towards the two men, took intentionality and effort.  In response to the confident faith of the men’s friends, he removed the barriers and the two men were healed immediately.  Confident faith in God opens the gates, the opportunities and powers of heaven.  In fact, in the letter of James 5: 16, the writer says, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person (the prayer of faith) has great power and produces wonderful results.”  God may not always remove the barrier “immediately” as he did in these situations, but he will provide the fullness of his presence and the strength to wait, endure or overcome any situation.

When you are facing a barrier in your life, start by exercising confident faith.  Know what God’s word says about your situation.  Jesus reminds the disciples in Matthew 17:20, “…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."  Secondly, understand that Jesus is always moving towards his people (Psalm 116:2):  and he will do whatever it takes to meet you at your point of need.  Thirdly, continue to trust him and surround yourself with those who trust him (Matthew 18:20).  Next, don’t forget to pray.  Prayer is the spiritual sword that cuts down any barrier you face.  Finally, expect his divine touch in your situation, whatever that might be (Hebrews 13:5b).  This is the season of open heaven so ask for whatever you need in his name and wait in faithful expectation.

The children of Israel faced a barrier at the Red Sea; God split the waters, bringing them safely through on dry land (Exodus 14: 21-22).  Hannah faced a barrier to motherhood; she was barren. But God opened her womb and gave her a child, whom she named Samuel (1 Samuel 1:6).  Humanity was sinking in sin, a barrier that blocked us from a relationship with God, but Jesus conquered sin and death and reconciled us to God (John 3:16).  He is the barrier-breaking God who responds to confident faith.  He heals; he restores; he renews and he reconciles.  He’s been there before and he will go there again just for you, because he does everything well.  Don’t let the enemy or anyone else tell you anything different (John 8:44b).

Loving God, you do all things well.  You are Elohim, creator of heaven and earth.  Nothing is too difficult for you.  I commit to you my situation right now, believing you are already at work in it.  Here I wait, in faithful expectation for your answer.  My faith is in you and you alone.  Amen.