Esther's Hope Ministries

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Day 13: Narok At Last

I left for Narok earlier today in an Uber driven by a driver named, Leonard, who appears to have a passion for speed.  We drove for miles, overtaking big heavy tankers at blind corners, narrowly missing some by mere inches.  The road to Narok is as breathtaking in its beauty, as it is terrifying in its majesty.  At one point, we drove through the Nguruman escarpment (approximately 50 kms long); flanked on one side by hundreds of feet of sheer rock wall and on the other by a deep cavernous drop that goes on for miles and miles.  I spent most of my time with my eyes closed, and my hands clasped in fervent prayer.

I arrived in Narok late this afternoon to a wonderful, warm welcome by the assigned Esther’s Hope Ministries Program Coordinator for Ole Tipis Girls’ High School, Pastor Asuga.  The Principal of the school was out at a meeting, giving me the opportunity to brief the coordinator regarding the Esther’s Hope Ministries initiative.  Mr. Asuga also took the opportunity to brief me on this third and final school and I must say, I am convinced that God led Esther’s Hope Ministries here.   Ole Tipis Girls’ Secondary School is a National School, meaning, that like other national schools in the country, they get first-pickings during student selections.  Some of the top-ranked academic students across the nation attend this school. The total student population is approximately 1200.

Listening to Mr. Asuga describing the old dysfunctional culture he found at the school when he first got here about five years ago, I am amazed at the students that are waiting to greet me in a room down the hallway of the main administration building.  They have been sitting there quietly for over half-an-hour anticipating my arrival.  They are well-mannered, and delightful.  When Mr. Asuga asks, “Who will open up our meeting this afternoon in prayer?”  About ten hands shoot up.  Then throughout my ten-minute introductory speech regarding the program, they all listen in rapt attention.  God has done a total transformation in the lives of these girls.  According to Mr. Asuga, many of these girls have been rescued from lives that no child should have to experience. 

I am looking forward to bringing you their stories over the next two days.  Interviews will begin at 4.30pm tomorrow Kenyan time and will run into Saturday.  Continue to pray for the girls, and together, let us give God thanks for what he has done.  "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever (1Chronicles 16:34)."