Approaching Jerusalem
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there…”
Mark 11:1
This is Holy Week. All over the world, believers will gather together to contemplate the events that unfolded many centuries ago, in Jerusalem. In our Sunday services, we can get so caught up in the drama of dancing and singing “Hosanna” while waving our palm branches as we try to recreate the atmosphere that unfolded that day, that we might miss the true significance of the first four words of Mark 11:1, “As they approached Jerusalem…” With these few words, years of prophetic utterances suddenly come into focus. A camera that has panned through all the Kings, Priests, and Prophets in the Old Testament, suddenly shrinks to a small circle, with Jesus as the main character. This was the fulfillment of prophecy. This was the execution of God’s plan for humanity.
By approaching Jerusalem, Jesus was choosing death. Avoiding death at this point, was not an option. Jesus was choosing to do God’s will, and by doing so he was choosing love. Humanity was trapped in sin and sin would lead to death. Therefore, Jesus chose to love humanity by dying in our place, because he knew that love would overcome death.
As we contemplate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem this week, let us consider how resolute he was. Let us remember how deliberate he was. Jesus chose obedience to God no matter the cost, and he calls us to do the same daily. He calls us to choose resolute and deliberate obedience to God in every area of our lives.
Therefore, choose death to self. Choose death to sin. Choose love no matter what the cost. AMEN.