Esther's Hope Ministries

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In the Desert

…the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness.

Luke 3:2

The word of God did not come to any of the seven powerful men mentioned in Luke 3.  It did not come to Tiberius Caesar, it did not come to Pontius Pilate, it did not come to Herod, or Philip the tetrarchs of Galilee and Iturea.  It did not come to Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene.  The word of God did not even come to Annas, the only high priest who was privileged to enter into the presence of God in the Holy of Holies. The “word of God came to John son of Zachariah.”

What was John’s distinction?  What made him a standout?  Why was he the object of God’s communication?  The was nothing extraordinary about John. He was just an ordinary man, and the only distinction he holds is that the word of God came to him.  Furthermore, the word came to him, not in Rome, not in Jerusalem, not in the temple, but in the desert.  God bypassed the powerful and came to a man of no consequence in a barren situation.

The Bible reminds us time and time again that this is the way God chooses to act.  He chooses unlikely people, like the Jews, like David, and Like Mary.  If you find yourself in a barren situation today, and if you are wondering about your call at this time, if you are wondering whether you have the necessary distinction to serve God, then let me encourage you.  Perhaps this word is for you.  The desert is the place where most of us are open to God’s voice.  Lean into God’s word and listen keenly, God may have a word for you in this season. Surrender to his voice in the desert and let God shape you into an instrument of his glory. AMEN!