Esther's Hope Ministries

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Sow Freely-Sow Generously

…A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path…. Some fell on rocky places…. Other seed fell among thorns….  Still other seed fell on good soil….

Matthew 13: 3-8

I am not a farmer, but I know that farmers value good rich soil.  They value soil that has the potential to yield a good rich harvest.  No farmer deliberately sows his valuable seed in shallow, rocky, or thorny soil. Unfortunately, this is how we sometimes approach ministry.  We sometimes pick and choose where we will sow forgiveness, kindness, mercy, and love.  We select carefully where we will sow grace and favor; the generous seeds we ourselves have received freely from God.  We even selectively determine with whom we will share his word.

In contrast, God himself is always sowing regardless of the quality of soil.  Whether it’s the path, the rocky places, among thorns or on good soil, God is always sowing seed.  It is what he does no matter where the seed might land.  As he looks out at this diverse world with its varied ‘soil structure,’ God cannot help but be generous in sowing his seed.  He sows his seed extravagantly, liberally, even wastefully.  He sows everywhere so that people are without excuse.  As Paul reminds the Romans in Chapter 1 verse 20, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky.  Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature.  So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”

I believe God is calling us to sow his seed liberally, especially in these days of swirling confusion.  God is calling his people to sow his seed liberally and lovingly because his does not want anyone to perish.  God is calling his people to sow his seed without favoritism.  And all he requires is that we obey by faith.  He alone is responsible for the outcome.  For to whom much is given, much will be expected (Luke 12:48).

Beloved God has sown much into your life.  He has given everything to you freely and now he urges us all, the recipients of his “seed” to sow freely in his name.  What seed is the Lord asking you to sow today?