God Speaks
In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.
Hebrews 1: 1-2
God speaks. There is no question about that. In the beginning when the earth was still a formless void, God spoke it into being saying, “Let there be… (Genesis 1),” and there was. The universe bent to God’s power and creation took form. Throughout the Old Testament he speaks to his people through prophets and Kings. In these “last days” God has spoken to humanity through his Son. There is no additional messenger coming. Jesus is the final Word. The only question that remains is this: “Are we listening?
Whenever God speaks, his words are intentional, and they bring new life. He speaks to nations as well as to individuals. For instance, he spoke to his people, Israel, in the desert, through the unveiling of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17), and he spoke to Pharoah through Moses, saying: “Let my people go… (Ex. 5:1; 9:1).” This command brought the children of Israel out of 450 years of captivity in Egypt, as God pointed them towards the Promised Land (new life).
Today, God speaks to us through his Son, Jesus Christ; he speaks through his Word and the totality of that message is love (1 Cor. 13). As we lurch through the endless list of this week’s “to do’s,” it is very tempting for us to “speak at” those we encounter rather than “listen to.” It is easy to be “busy and fast” rather than slow and attentive. The thing is, God is still speaking at many times and in various ways. He speaks through the confusion and turmoil that inflicts the world. He speaks through nature in all its majesty. He speaks through a colleague who is having an extremely difficult week. He speaks most clearly through his Word. This world is his mission field. Are you listening?
As we begin a new week, let us “slow down,” and be “truly present” with one another, perhaps take a moment to pray for or with someone, so that through us, others might experience the new life that God offers.