When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
John 19:30
In John’s account of the crucifixion, Jesus utters three simple, but powerful words, “It is finished.” In Greek this is translated, “Tetelestai,” which is an accounting term that means, “paid in full.” This was a common, everyday term used in society. It was often stamped on bills to indicate there was no more debt as everything was settled. When Jesus utters this term on the cross, it was to indicate that the debt which humanity owed God on account of Adam’s sin was finally paid in full. Jesus was the perfect and final sacrifice. No more sacrifices were needed as the debt was fully settled. This is the significance of Easter. It is a reminder of God’s perfect and endless love for humanity, a reminder of our victory over sin and death and a reminder of our zero balance and therefore our freedom in Christ.
Think about this: How would you feel or react if someone paid off your mortgage in full? What would you do if you discovered that someone had cleared all your car payments or given your child a full university scholarship? What would you do for such an individual to communicate your deep gratitude? A casual “Thank you, and see you next year,” would not do, would it?
So, is Easter over? Hardly! It is just the beginning. Think of what Christ did for us, and of how much we owe him. Easter should motivate us to give of ourselves as Christ gave, fully, faithfully, gladly, willingly, and daily to the One who gave all for us. This week, let us pour our endless gratitude into his work. Our Lord has given us a command to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that he has commanded us…. (Matthew 28:19-20). Easter reminds us that this is the least we can do, for a gift we can never repay. “Tetelestai!” May this simple phrase motivate us daily to give our very best to Jesus. Amen.