The Giant Slayer
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, ….
Psalm 18:2
David wrote this Psalm at a time when God had anointed him to become King over Israel. At the time, he was surrounded by many enemies, including Saul who sought to kill him. David reveals that at times he was so overwhelmed with fear, he felt as if, “the cords of death entangled him.” But David calls out to the one who was worthy of praise, and who had delivered him from all his enemies.
David put his trust in God, his rock and deliver. David believed and understood that no enemy, could separate him from God’s care. He was confident of God’s power and might over the enemy. Too often we forget to turn to God for help. Instead, we stare at the enemy and become overwhelmed by his attack against us.
David had learned from experience (I Samuel 17) that he could always take refuge in God, and God would always be there for him. David understood that with God’s help, he could slay the “goliaths” surrounding him. Like David, we need to know God is always there for us. He is our rock, our fortress, and our deliver, and we can take refuge in him with confidence that he will help us against our “goliaths.”
Are you surrounded by the enemy? Take refuge in God. He cares for you. He alone can vanquish that enemy who threatens you.