Esther's Hope Ministries

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Spring Cleaning Time

The end of all things is near.  Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.

1 Peter 4:7

Every spring and summer, I take some time to declutter and deep clean my house, because like many other people, ‘stuff’ always seems to find its way into my home.  This annual decluttering ritual allows me to purge and discard all the unnecessary items that stealthily invade my space, making me feel as though I cannot think, breathe, or move.  Did you know that our minds can also get cluttered?  As we make our way through life, we are exposed to all kinds of situations, ideas and messages that can sometimes have lingering negative effects on our lives.  It can interfere with our ability to thrive spiritually.

Speaking to the Church in Asia Minor, the apostle Peter sounds a warning.  He reminds the Jews and Gentiles of the day, that the end of time is near, and therefore they needed to do some “spring cleaning.”  Peter calls the church to declutter their minds.  He says, “…be clear minded and self-controlled so that they can pray.”  What this implies is that when we allow secular worldly culture to influence our minds, we can become foggy-minded and other-controlled (manipulated), and this condition hampers our ability to pray.  When we allow the quarrels, disagreements, and divisive politics of the day to cloud our minds, our prayer life becomes the casualty.

If you are finding it hard to focus on prayer, ask yourself, “Who and what am I listening to?”  Am I allowing the noise of the day to clog up my mind and spirit?  Have conspiracy theories, fearmongering, grumbling and complaining, gossiping and finger pointing so invaded my spirit that I’ve momentarily lost sight of who God is?

My annual spring-cleaning exercise always restores my inner serenity and I suspect spiritual “spring cleaning” will have a similar effect on our spiritual lives.  So, we must pay heed to Peter’s message, which is just as relevant for us today as it was back then.  Today, amidst the deafening crescendo in our modern world, the Holy Spirit once again testifies to our generation that the end of all things is near, and we need to be clear-minded and self-controlled so that we can pray (Hebrews 10:25). 

Take some time this week to declutter your mind and heart of those things that are not of God.  Fill your spirit with God’s word and pray.  Prayer is the key that unlocks triumphant Christian living. 

Dear Lord, teach me to focus on your word, even when the world encourages me to focus on its word.  Forgive me for those times when I have lost my way.  Light my path now with your truth, so that I might follow you and not go astray.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.