Esther's Hope Ministries

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Number Your Days

Teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

Recently, I watched a bunch of teenagers roller-skating at a skating park and was struck by the number of risks they took, as they looped and twirled and twisted and moved at breathtaking speeds.  They appeared invincible.  It reminded me of my youth, back when it seemed as though life would go on forever.  Funny how wisdom and reality set in as one gets older.

Moses, wrote Psalm 90 when he was an old (120 years), but still relatively healthy man.  God called him to the top of the mountain, and while he was there, at the ‘pinnacle’ of his life, God chose to take him home.  Moses writes this Psalm just before his death to remind Israel and us that God is sovereign over human life.  Only he decides when one’s time is up, we don’t.  Moses also shares these additional lessons before his death:

·       Life is short-learn to number your days that you might gain a heart of wisdom (vs.5&6).

·       Life is full of toil, sin, and misery-Seek God while he may yet be found (vs.11).

·       Life is redeemed only by God’s mercy.  Repent and return to him (vs.13-17).   

It can be tempting to put off the things of God until we are older, because like those teens, we might be so busy living life on the fast lane.  We may even be at the pinnacle of our lives, and everything might be looking up.  But every day, in our workspaces, and in our homes, we are confronted by the reality that old age comes on stealthily and fast, whether we are ready or not.  Like sand in an hourglass, eventually time runs out for each one of us.  When it does, will we have fulfilled our purpose here on earth?  Let us learn to number our days, live wisely and purposefully, so that when the call comes, we will be ready.

As we go about this new week, may the Spirit of God teach us to number our days, so that we might thrive in him, and not just survive.

Heavenly Father, you ordain the number of our days, give me the wisdom to live a life of constant readiness in your Holy Presence, Amen.